
MSE Environment Public Lecture 2011 - Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming

Thursday, February 10, 2011 18:00to19:00
New Residence Ballroom, 3625 ave du Parc, New Residence Ballroom, 3625 ave du Parc, CA


Naomi Oreskes (Ph.D., Stanford) is a Professor of History and Science Studies and the Provost at University of California, San Diego’s Sixth College.


Her research highlights the disconnect between the state of scientific debate and the way it was being presented in the mass media and perceived by the American public.





How do scientists decide when a fact is “established?”

How do they judge how much evidence is sufficient to deem something scientifically demonstrated?

And what happens when scientists can’t agree?


Free Admission. Open to all. No reservation necessary.

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