BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240606T191030EDT-1299vvTJll@ DTSTAMP:20240606T231030Z DESCRIPTION:Dans le cadre des Conférences commémoratives Patricia Allen\, l a Faculté de droit accueille la professeure Marilyn Poitras pour une confé rence sur les femmes autochtones disparues et assassinées au Canada.\n\nRé sumé\n\n[En anglais seulement] What are we learning from the heterosexual\ , transgendered and two-spirited women and girls sacrificed in violence wi thin our communities? Hearing about the loss of a community member to viol ence may bring us all to a sobering second thought\, may change the dynami c of our family\, our community\, or our very personhood. This kind of los s is cause to look over your shoulder\, lock your door\, pull your sweater a little tighter around you\, your family a little closer\, may push you to numbness\, or to live on the edge a little further. It may find you cha llenging life itself to come out and take you on. We all try to make sense of violence and then try to continue on with our lives. How? What do we l earn though this loss? What might we learn? How can we honour the feminine ?\n\nLa conférencière\n\n[En anglais seulement] Marilyn Poitras is Michif Irish from the prairies and has taught at the College of Law\, University of Saskatchewan\, since 2009. She is a student of Indigenous legal traditi ons and has worked on ancestral domain or Indigenous land issues for all o f her career. She works and teaches with Elders across the country. Her le gal expertise reaches into constitutional and Aboriginal law as well as ne gotiation on Indigenous land issues both in Canada and the Philippines.\n \nMarilyn received her law degree is from the University of Saskatchewan a nd her masters in law from Harvard Law School. She has worked with many tr aditional teachers\, Cree\, Dene\, Saulteaux\, Michif and Inuit within Can ada.  She works within community to create discuss and design opportunitie s for Indigenous participation in the Canadian politic\, in rural and urba n issues and on inclusion of Indigenous voice\, philosophy and laws in as many places as possible. In 2017\, she stepped down as a Commissioner to t he National Inquiry for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls cr eated by the Canadian government in 2016.\n\nConférence commémorative Patr icia Allen\n\nCréée en 1992 par la promotion de 1988 à la mémoire de leur camarade de classe Patricia Allen\, une diplômée de la Faculté qui fut tra giquement assassinée\, la Conférence commémorative Patricia Allen est cons acrée à la sensibilisation et à l'éducation de la communauté juridique et de la population aux problèmes sociaux et juridiques urgents\, particulièr ement la violence faite aux femmes. Ces conférences font partie du cycle d es Ateliers Annie Macdonald Langstaff.\n\nUne demande d'accréditation pour 1\,5 heures de formation continue obligatoire pour juriistes a été déposé e auprès d'un formateur reconnu.\n DTSTART:20180220T223000Z DTEND:20180221T000000Z LOCATION:Salle du Tribunal-école Maxwell-Cohen (NCDH 100)\, Pavillon Chance llor-Day\, CA\, QC\, Montréal\, H3A 1W9\, 3644\, rue Peel SUMMARY:Violence as teacher and mentor URL: entor-283880 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR