BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240515T032122EDT-4684CIUtkA@ DTSTAMP:20240515T072122Z DESCRIPTION:The Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law c ontinues its 2016-2018 Civil Law Workshops series\, “Le public en droit pr ivé”\, with a talk by Professor Celia Fassberg (Hebrew University of Jerus alem).\n\nAbstract\n\nThe vindication of private rights in a cross-border situation introduces a series of questions that have to be considered in a ddition to the traditional private law analysis familiar from domestic sit uations. Who can sue and who can be sued in a local court\, and for what? Should local or foreign law apply? What assistance should a local court gi ve a foreign court? What is the local significance of a foreign judicial d ecision? \n\nThese questions are quite distinct from the private law analy sis and they inevitably touch - directly or indirectly\, explicitly or imp licitly - on public interests of both local and foreign sovereigns. It is then not surprising that while designed to facilitate the enforcement of p rivate rights\, private international law demonstrates a preoccupation wit h the appropriate weight to be attached to local and foreign public intere sts and the appropriate way in which to express them. It should be no more surprising that the sense of what is appropriate should fluctuate with ch anges in the relationship between public and private law and changes in th e relationship between states.\n\nThe presentation will explore different manifestations of this preoccupation with the “public” in each area of pri vate international law (jurisdiction\, choice of law\, foreign judgments\, and legal assistance to foreign courts)\, drawing on methodological and d octrinal examples of attempts to assert or to suppress local public concer ns\, to repel or to admit foreign public intrusions.\n\nCivil Law Workshop s\n\nIn order to promote fundamental research in private law\, the Paul-An dré Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law initiated the “Civil La w Workshops” series\, bringing together jurists from Québec and beyond to work on related research topics. With their cross-disciplinary focus\, the “Civil Law Workshops” contribute to enriching and stimulating fundamental research in private law.\n\nThe 2016-2018 series of Civil Law Workshops p resented by the Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law explore “Le public en droit privé”.\n\nThe workshops are presented with fi nancial assistance from Justice Canada’s Support Fund for Access to Justic e in Both Official Languages.\n\nRegistration is not required. Each worksh op has been accredited for 1.5 hour of continuing legal education by the B arreau du Québec and the Chambre des notaires du Québec.\n DTSTART:20180302T180000Z DTEND:20180302T193000Z LOCATION:NCDH 202\, Chancellor Day Hall\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 1W9\, 36 44 rue Peel SUMMARY:The Public in Private International Law URL: nal-law-283897 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR