“France's highest administrative court has suspended a ban on full-body "burkini" swimsuits that was imposed in a town on the Mediterranean coast.” (BBC)

Morton Weinfeld, Department of Sociology, McGill University

I agree with the French court decision today, but the burkini issue is really a symptom of a much deeper issue in France and Europe generally.
—Morton Weinfeld 

Classified as: france, Morton Weinfeld, burkini, ethnic studies
Published on: 26 Aug 2016

A strong earthquake in central Italy reduced three towns to rubble as people slept early Wednesday, with reports that at least 50 people were killed and hundreds injured as rescue crews raced to dig out survivors.” (CBC)

“An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has shaken central Burma, the U.S. Geological Survey says.” (CBC)

Classified as: earthquake, Christie Rowe, Rebecca Harrington, italia, burma
Published on: 24 Aug 2016

“The World Health Organization's (WHO) emergency committee on deadly yellow fever will meet on Aug. 31 to review outbreaks in Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola, a spokesman said on Tuesday, as a major vaccination campaigns continues.” (Reuters and The Washington Post)

Classified as: faculty of medicine, brian ward, Anne Andermann, tropical diseases, yellow fever, centre for the study of host resistance
Published on: 23 Aug 2016

"To sleep - to sleep, perchance to dream”, these words made famous by William Shakespeare, in the play Hamlet are familiar to many of us. But did you know that sleep is just as important as diet and exercise for a healthy lifestyle?

Classified as: Reut Gruber, sleep, great canadian sleepwalk
Published on: 16 Aug 2016

"The world woke to the smell of burning floss last week, as thunderous applause met news reports that there was, after all, no evidence for dentists recommending flossing.

Classified as: McGill University, dentistry, Expert, flossing, cavities, omid kiarash
Published on: 10 Aug 2016

Hundreds of 2016 World Social Forum participants will meet to brainstorm new solutions to climate change on August 10 at Percival Molson Stadium.

This is the wild idea of Henry Mintzberg, internationally renowned management academic and professor of management studies at McGill University.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, climate change, GROOC, Mintzberg, World Social Forum 2016, groocx
Published on: 8 Aug 2016

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from 1 to 7 August to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world. (WHO)


Classified as: babies, mothers, breast feeding, freast, infant feeding, Kramer
Published on: 8 Aug 2016


“South Africans are heading to the polls on Wednesday in what Barclays analysts have dubbed "the most important elections since the 1994 democratic transition" — back when Nelson Mandela was elected in the country's first elections post-Apartheid.” (Business Insider)


Classified as: Nelson Mandela, South Africa, Elections, democratic transition, african history
Published on: 8 Aug 2016


“Moon Express, based in Cape Canaveral, Fla., announced Wednesday that it had received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to set a robotic lander on the moon.” (The New York Times)

Classified as: air and space, moon express, federal aviation administration, robot, SpaceX
Published on: 8 Aug 2016
“Just days ahead of the Olympic Games the waterways of Rio de Janeiro are as filthy as ever, contaminated with raw human sewage teeming with dangerous viruses and bacteria, according to a 16-month-long study commissioned by the Associated Press.” (The Independent)
Classified as: virus, brian ward, jose teodoro, adenovirus, rio 2016, olympic games
Published on: 2 Aug 2016

Philip Oxhorn, Political Science, Founding Director of the Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University

Professor Oxhorn is an expert in democracy, economic development and Latin American Comparative Politics. He can comment on social, political, and economic angles.

philip [dot] oxhorn [at] mcgill [dot] ca (English, Spanish)

Classified as: Latin America, Alfred Jaeger, virus, Brazil, Philip Oxhorn, brian ward, Manuel Balan, zika, Latin American politics, cédric yansouni, michael libman
Published on: 1 Aug 2016

"Turkey has banned all academics from leaving the country, cancelling their annual leave, as President Tayyip Erdogan's post-coup crackdown escalated to 'exceptional proportions'. One British academic at a state-run university in Istanbul told the Telegraph that foreign nationals had also been told to come back to work." (The Telegraph)

Classified as: human rights, Payam Akhavan, Turkey, human rights law, International human rights
Published on: 21 Jul 2016

 June is National Brain Injury Awareness Month. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the leading cause of death and disability in children and adults from ages 1 to 44. Brain injuries are most often caused by motor vehicle crashes, sports injuries, or simple falls on the playground, at work or in the home.

Classified as: McGill University, concussions, Traumatic brain injury, physiotherapist, Montreal Children’s Hospital of the McGill University Health Center, McGill University professor, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, Isabelle Gagnon
Published on: 10 Jun 2016

"Transport Minister Jacques Daoust stood firm on his promise to regulate the ride-sharing service Uber and tabled Bill 100 on Thursday, which would effectively force Uber drivers to buy or rent taxi permits." (The Montreal Gazette)

Classified as: Uber, taxi, Richard Shearmur Quebec
Published on: 13 May 2016

The Quebec government has the intention to prohibit all accessory fees in health care. (La Presse)

Classified as: McGill University, Health Care, McGill, health, healthcare, Expert, amélie quesnel-vallée, accessory fees, affordability, inequalities
Published on: 2 May 2016


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