BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240508T131308EDT-5763EFj5TZ@ DTSTAMP:20240508T171308Z DESCRIPTION:In this panel discussion\, current McGill students tell their s tories of coming to Canada\, to Montreal\, to McGill\, and their own expec tations\, challenges\, and surprises in their journey. These personal stor ies representing diverse and intersectional perspectives will provide insi ghts and information on how to prepare for your own journey that is just a bout to begin! Click here to register and receive the link for this sessio n.Online Event InstructionsMicrosoft TEAMS. You will receive the session l ink upon registration. DTSTART:20240725T213000Z DTEND:20240725T223000Z SUMMARY:New Student Webinar: Coming to Montreal\, As Me URL: treal-me-355821 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR