Journal articles

  • Ursin, J., Vahasantanen, K., McAlpine, L., & Hokka, P. (2018). Emotionally loaded identity and agency in Finnish academic work. Journal of Further and Higher Educationhttps://doi.org/10.1080/0309877X.2018.1541971
  • McAlpine, L., & Austin, N. (2018). Humanities PhD graduates: Desperately seeking careersCanadian Journal of Higher Education. 48 (2), 1-19.
  • Sverdlik, A., Hall, N., McAlpine, L., & Hubbard. K. (2018). The PhD Experience: A Review of the Factors Influencing Doctoral Students’ Completion, Achievement, and Well-Being. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 13, 361-388. https://doi.org/10.28945/4113
  • McAlpine, L., Pyhalto, K., & Castello, M. (2018). Building a more robust conception of early career researcher experience: What might we be overlooking? Studies in Continuing Education, 40 (2), 149-165. https://doi.org/10.1080/0158037X.2017.1408582
  • Skakni, I. (2018). Doctoral studies as an initiatory trial: Expected and taken-for-granted practices that impede PhD students’ progress. Teaching in Higher Education, 23 (8), 927-944. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2018.1449742
  • Skakni, I. (2018). Désacraliser la carrière académique: concilier compétences scientifiques, génériques et « de carrière » pour repenser les identités professionnelles en recherche. TransFormations, 0 (15-16). https://pulp.univ-lille1.fr/index.php/TF/article/view/262
  • Skakni, I. (2018). Reasons, motives and motivations for completing a PhD: A typology of doctoral studies as a quest. Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 9, 197-212. doi:10.1108/SGPE-D-18-00004



  • McAlpine, L., & Amundsen, C. (2018). Identity-trajectories: Ways of understanding post-PhD career choices. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
    An empirical, conceptual and methodological synthesis of the contribution of a 10-year longitudinal research program which followed 48 post-PhD scientists and social scientists, initially in two universities in Canada and two in the UK, as they took up a range of careers in over 36 institutions distributed globally.


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