Dr. Ugochinyere Vivian Ukah

Academic title(s): 

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology and Experimental Medicine

Dr. Ugochinyere Vivian Ukah
Contact Information

Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
5252 boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest
Montréal, QC
H4A 3S5

Email address: 
vivian.ukah [at] mcgill.ca
Current research: 

My research goals is to establish a successful well-funded program in bridging the gaps in disparities in pregnancy complications and associated outcomes, and examining medication use and safety during pregnancy.

  1. Prediction of hypertension after delivery
  2. Medication utilization during pregnancy
  3. Investigating long-term health outcomes after children after serious pregnancy complications
Research areas: 
Cardiovascular diseases
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