BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240610T042447EDT-7220srhUGi@ DTSTAMP:20240610T082447Z DESCRIPTION:BLP / SGI-OSF Seminars in Business & Society 2023-2024\n\nDelia Cristea - Partner and General Counsel\, Power Sustainable\n\nThe seminar will explore the transformation of the corporate sector under the pressure of the “ESG revolution”\, with a special focus on the “E” (environmental factors). We will discuss the key players in Canada’s Net-Zero mission (co rporates\, financial system\, civil society\, policymakers\, universities) \, their progress to date and road ahead\, with particular focus on policy making (legislative progress to date\, gaps in the comparative context of the EU model). Finally\, we will aim to cover the key challenges on delive ring on sustainable growth: lack of integration of Indigenous knowledge an d perspective\, polarization\, corporate inertia\, Canadian regional divid e and impact on vulnerable populations. The seminar will be presented from a practitioner’s point of view and will take the form of engaged discussi on on all the key areas of focus.\n\nBIO: Delia Cristea is a Partner and G eneral Counsel at Power Sustainable\, an investment firm in the sustainabi lity space\, focused on climate-related investments. She oversees the firm ’s legal\, compliance and culture functions and she is a member of the fir m’s Executive Committee. She is also responsible for the firm’s ecosystem building activities in the sustainable finance space. Prior to Power Susta inable\, Delia worked as counsel for Power Corporation of Canada\, where s he most recently served as Assistant General Counsel. Prior to that\, she was Associate at McCarthy Tétrault LLP. Delia graduated with a gold medal from McGill Faculty of Law and holds a license in law and a Masters in Eur opean law from Sorbonne University in Paris. She also chairs the board and the governance committee of Lawyers without Borders Canada. She is passio nate about supporting the growth of the sustainability ecosystem both in C anada and abroad. As such acts as board member or advisor to a number of o rganizations in this space\, including Cycle Momentum\, the McGill Sustain able Growth Initiative and the Green Finance Committee of the Canadian Cha mber of Commerce.\n DTSTART:20231106T193000Z DTEND:20231106T213000Z LOCATION:Room NCDH 312 SUMMARY:The Green Transition In The Corporate Sector Hope\, Challenges\, A nd What It Takes To Succeed - Practical Aspects - URL: tor-hope-challenges-and-what-it-takes-succeed-practical-aspects-352401 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR