
Expert: Federal Government Gay-Pardon

“Even more significant than Mr. Klippert’s posthumous pardon may be the government’s promise to review all the cases of men who were convicted of gross indecency (homosexual acts short of intercourse) or buggery before 1969.” (The Globe and Mail)

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Published: 29 Feb 2016

Experts: National Climate Strategy

“With the wind at his back from Paris and a fresh mandate from Canadians, Mr. Trudeau meets provincial and territorial leaders in Vancouver this week to pursue a national climate strategy.” (The Globe and Mail)

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Published: 29 Feb 2016

Expert: UK European Union referendum (Brexit)

"June 23 has finally been set for the momentous 'in or out' British vote on whether to abandon the 28-nation European Union." (CBC)

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Published: 22 Feb 2016

Expert: Apple vows to resist FBI demand to crack iPhone

"Tech giant Apple and the FBI appeared headed for a deepening confrontation Wednesday after the company’s chief pledged to fight federal demands to help mine data from an iPhone used by one of the shooters in December’s terrorist attacks in San Bernardino." (The Washington Post)

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Published: 17 Feb 2016

Syria crisis: Air strikes on hospitals

"Rescuers wearing hard hats searched through rubble for survivors in northern Syria Monday after airstrikes hit two hospitals and a school building. The attacks killed at least 22 people, according to reports.

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Published: 16 Feb 2016

Child homelessness

“On any given night, there are about 35,000 homeless people across Canada, and the number of families and children among them is growing at an alarming rate, a new report reveals.

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Published: 15 Feb 2016

Taxi drivers protest against Uber

"Taxi and limousine drivers in Montreal are planning to block access to certain sites across the city Wednesday in protest against Uber." (Montreal Gazette)

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Published: 10 Feb 2016

Gravitational Waves

"The first direct detection of gravitational waves is now widely expected to be announced on 11 February by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).

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Published: 10 Feb 2016

Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox leader to meet

« Pope Francis and the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church will meet in Cuba next week in a historic step to heal the 1,000-year-old schism that divided Christianity between East and West, both churches announced Friday. The Feb.

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Published: 5 Feb 2016

Julian Assange (Feb. 4, 2016)

"A UN panel will conclude Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is being "arbitrarily detained" in the UK, the Swedish foreign ministry has said." (BBC News)

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Published: 4 Feb 2016

Guaranteed minimum income

Phillipe Couillard mandated François Blais, the minister of Employment and Social Solidarity, to set up guaranteed minimum income in Quebec. (Source: Le Journal de Québec)

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Published: 1 Feb 2016

2016 US Presidential Race

"On Monday, Iowa will kick off the 2016 race for the White House, a contest in which two fiery, fringe candidates from the left and right have hijacked the national imagination and undercut the political establishment." (Source:

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Published: 1 Feb 2016

Japan adopts negative interest rate

"In a surprise move, the Bank of Japan has introduced a negative interest rate. The benchmark rate of -0.1% means that commercial banks will be charged by the central bank for some deposits." (Source: BBC)

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Published: 29 Jan 2016

Zika Virus

"A new virus invading parts of Central and South America and now the Caribbean is causing concern among people living in and travelling to infected countries. Transmitted by the aggressive Aedes mosquito, the Zika virus has spread to at least 23 countries and will likely infect tens of millions of people in a few short years." (CTV News)

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Published: 27 Jan 2016


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