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Dentists can treat cavities without using a drill

12 Apr 2019

What if your dentist could apply a gel to your cavities (or dental caries) that would soften necrotic tissue but leave your healthy dentin alone, allowing the affected tooth tissue to simply be...

Beavers Have Metal Teeth

13 Jun 2018

I once broke my tooth on some toffee my mom made. Every time I see a beaver, I think of that day and wonder how they can gnaw on trees all day without chipping an incisor when I couldn’t even...

Alcohol in mouthwashes doesn’t actually kill bacteria

3 May 2018

It’s common knowledge that alcohol can kill bacteria (it’s commonly used as a disinfectant), so it makes sense that the alcohol in mouthwashes is added specifically to kill the bacteria that give...

Is Carbonated Water Bad for Your Teeth?

13 Nov 2017

It's a well-known fact that soda is bad for your health. We've all read the reports and articles detailing how the sugar in pop will rot our teeth, cause obesity, or give us diabetes. So perhaps,...

Anesthesia Allergies

20 May 2017

A woman became allergic to her husband after twenty five years of marriage. She developed pain all over her body every time he approached her. The cause? A pain killer!  The husband was a dentist...

The Great Moment in Medicine

20 Mar 2017

Rarely does a single event alter the course of medicine, but that is exactly what happened at Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital on October 16, 1846 in the surgical theatre that would...

How Does Peroxide Whiten Teeth?

20 Mar 2017

Ancient Romans, for example, used urine and goat milk to whiten their teeth. This concoction is not as far-fetched as it might first appear. Urine, contains ammonia which is a cleaning agent found...

The Fluoride Controversy

20 Mar 2017

What is the most common disease in the world?  Infections probably come to mind.  Or heart disease, or cancer, or perhaps even AIDS.  Actually, it is the common cold!  And what comes in second?

You shouldn't brush your teeth after drinking fruit juice!

21 Feb 2017

You might think it’s a good idea to brush your teeth after drinking sugary fruit juice, but it isn’t. The acid in the juice weakens the tooth enamel, which can then be damaged during brushing. The...


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