Undergraduate Medical and Dental Education

Fundamentals of Medicine and Dentistry (FMD)

In September 2013 the medical and dental students were introduced to the first year of a “New curriculum” in the faculty of medicine.  The department of Pathology is very much involved in lecturing (over 40 hrs) and leading small groups (~ 50 hrs) over the entire length of the “Fundamentals of medicine and dentistry” (FMD).  FMD spans the entire first year and the first half of the second year with blocks A to J covering in a systems-based approach the basic sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Genetics, Epidemiology...) coordinated with the co-rresponding clinical aspects (history taking, physical examination and related topics) and with early exposure to Family Medicine).

The department of Pathology covers topics of “General Pathology”, i.e., cell injury, inflammation, neoplasia and “Systemic Pathology” in concert with the topic of the Block.  Some of the small group sessions are also done with clinicians, e.g. valvular heart disease, coronary artery disease/myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus...).  There is also a small group on “Professionalism in Pathology”, and the students are required to prepare a case presentation for the last small group in FMD.











In addition, we plan to have input into later components of the curriculum and teach concepts dealing for example with laboratory utilization as well as bring back key basic science concepts relating to their clinical rotations.



For any questions relating to the Pathology component of the Undergraduate medical and dental curriculum education
please contact:

rene.michel [at] mcgill.ca (Dr. René P. Michel)

Professor, Dept. of Pathology, McGill University
Staff Pathologist, McGill University Health Sciences Center
Director, Pathology component of undergraduate medical and dental education
1001 Decarie Blvd. Rm. E04.4156
Montreal, QC H4A 3J1
Tel. 514-934-1934 ext. 38779
Fax. 514-934-8296


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