Exam Sign-Up

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Fall 2024 lecture period for 3rd year Dentistry students.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024toThursday, November 28, 2024

Fall term lecture period for 3rd year students in Dentistry./importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students

2024-2025 Lecture period/clinical rotations for 4th year Medicine students.

Monday, July 1, 2024toMonday, April 21, 2025

Lecture period and clinical rotations for 4th year Medicine students (Clerkships)./importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students

(Tentative Dates) Entrance auditions for all M.Mus. (Performance) and D.Mus. (Performance) applicants...

Sunday, January 28, 2024toFriday, March 3, 2028

(Tentative Dates) Entrance auditions for all M.Mus. (Performance) and D.Mus. (Performance) applicants. Refer to the Schulich School of Music Admissions site (see below) for information about...


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