Emma Flavian

Emma Flavian is currently pursuing her Master's degree in the Department of Art History and Communication Studies and the Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies at McGill University, under the supervision of Dr. Roberto Benedicto. Her research follows the metaphysical question which Blackness poses and the figure which embodies it (the extra-intra-para-historical "problem of the Negro as a problem for thought") towards a destabilisation of thought, sense, rationality and the perceivable, and a drafted thesis which might evoke or reiterate a mode of enfleshed, social, haptic non-thought, or the arrest of thought as the teleological or bounded, through a feeling for and with the fugitive insights and modes of (ir)rationality and (in)existence practiced and repeated in the Black Radical Tradition. To the extent her project has an end, the joining of this tradition might be its name, as the flight she undertakes and pursues without end. Her research is supported by a Fonds de Recherche du Québec Société et Culture Research Scholarship, amongst other awards generously granted by Media@McGill and a Graduate Excellence Award from the Department of Art History and Communication Studies, and her latest writing, "In Praise of Nonsense," was awarded the Friends Best Paper Prize from the Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies at McGill University. The irony of the above enumeration does not escape her, though neither does it diminish her gratefulness.  

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