In the pursuit of a Ph.D. degree, the final step before starting the thesis writing process is the presentation of a Ph.D. Seminar to the department. When a student feels that they have reached a point in their research where they have made significant progress, gained substantial insights, and have a well-defined research plan, they may seek recommendation from their Advisory Committee to present their Ph.D. Seminar.
General Format:
PhD students must present a 40-minute seminar on thesis work, followed by a 15-20 minute question period. The seminar is an opportunity for the student to showcase their research, discuss their findings, and engage in a scholarly dialogue. It is typically attended faculty, academic staff, post-docs, graduate students, and selected undergraduate students.
When: The seminar should take place after the student's final Advisory Committee Meeting and before initial thesis submission.
Where: The seminar will be included in the Department Seminar Series schedule which is held on Wednesday's at 11:30 a.m., in SADB Rm 1/12.
Scheduling: The Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC) will schedule the seminar based on the available dates.
Evaluation: The seminar series is not a platform where students are evaluated; however, audience members are welcome to provide informal feedback. It is highly encouraged that professors in attendance complete a PhD Thesis Seminar Feedback Form for students presenting a PhD Thesis Seminar.