The Academic Policy Committee oversees a diverse array of committees and subcommittees, each with their distinct mandates and compositions Below, you will find a list of these entities, along with their mandates and compositions. For more detailed information, including their meeting schedules and agendas, please refer to the respective committee's websites. Additionally, you can explore the Committees of Senate webpage for further insights into the institution's governance structure and committee functions.
Subcommittee on Courses and Teaching Programs (SCTP)
1. To exercise all the functions and powers of APC as regards courses, and inform APC about its actions in a timely manner.
2. To exercise all the functions and powers of APC as regards minor/moderate revisions to existing teaching programs and inform APC in a timely manner.
3. To evaluate the academic quality of proposals for new teaching programs and major revisions to existing teaching programs, taking into account, as appropriate, the following actions and make recommendations to APC:
- assess whether the program design and proposed implementation have the potential to provide a high-quality learning experience;
- determine whether the structural components of the program (e.g., number and distribution of credits, types of courses, division between required and optional courses) are well organized;
- address resource allocation concerns.
4. To review, at the request of APC, existing courses and teaching programs and make recommendations to APC.
- the Associate Provost (Teaching and Academic Planning) - Chair, with vote;
- the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (or academic delegate);
- five academic staff members appointed to three-year renewable terms;
- one graduate student member, nominated by the Post-Graduate Students' Society (PGSS);
- one undergraduate student member, nominated by SSMU [one alternate undergraduate student member to be nominated by the Macdonald Campus Students' Society (MCSS)];
- one representative from Enrolment Services (voice but no vote);
- one representative from Student Services (voice but no vote);
- one representative from Teaching and Learning Services (voice but no vote).
For additional information on SCTP, please consult their website.
APC Subcommittee on Teaching and Learning (STL)
- Recommend to the University through the APC initiatives and policies to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.
- Consider medium and long-term trends and issues affecting post-secondary education as they would apply to McGill University, including, but not limited to, enhancing student engagement, online delivery of courses and programs in both campus-based and distance programs, alternate credit structures, feedback and assessment, experiential learning, and the integration of teaching and research.
- Report to Senate through APC once a year.
- Associate Provost (Teaching and Academic Planning) or designate, Chair;
- Dean of Students or designate;
- Director of Teaching and Learning Services or designate;
- Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies or designate;
- Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies) or designate;
- One representative to be appointed by each Faculty (staggered) three-year terms renewable;
- One representative to be appointed by the University Libraries;
- Two undergraduate student representatives;
- One graduate student representative;
- Secretary
For additional information on the STL, please consult their website.
Research and Advisory Council (RAC)
Mandate and Purpose
The Research Advisory Council (RAC) is the primary forum for exchange, discussion, and updates on University-wide research related dossiers between the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (R+I), the hospital Research Institutes, and the Faculties. Chaired by the Vice-President, R+I, members of RAC exchange on strategic items such as planning for research infrastructure and space, major governmental programs for research funding, and other related topics.
RAC makes recommendations to the APC on research policies and the creation of new research centres as well as endorsements of research-related plans and reports to submit for approval through standard McGill governance channels. RAC members are encouraged and welcome to suggest any top of mind issues for discussion at meetings.
- Vice-President (Research and Innovation), Chair;
- Deputy Vice-President (Research and Innovation);
- Associate Vice-President(s) (Research and Innovation);
- Provost (or delegate);
- Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies;
- One nominee from each of the Faculty Deans, usually Associate Dean (Research and/or Graduate Studies);
- Directors of hospital research institutes (or delegates)
For additional information on the RAC, please consult their website.
Council of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (CGPS)
- develop, revise and approve the regulations, guidelines and policies on graduate and postdoctoral studies;
- participate in strategic planning for initiatives to promote and enhance graduate and postdoctoral studies;
- review and approve proposals for the creation of new graduate programs.
- Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) – Chair (voice but no vote);
- Associate Deans of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) (voice but no vote);
- Director of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) (voice but no vote);
- Three representatives from each of the Faculties of Arts, Medicine and Health Sciences, and Science;
- Two representatives from each of the Faculties of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, Education and Engineering;
- One representative from each of the Faculties of Dentistry, Law, Management, and the School of Continuing Studies;
- A representative from the Schulich School of Music;
- A representative from Libraries;
- Vice–President (Research and Innovation), or delegate;
- Director of Teaching and Learning Services (TLS), or delegate
- Secretary-General of the Post-Graduate Student’s Society (PGSS), or delegate;
- A Postdoctoral fellow;
- A Graduate Student from the Faculties of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Engineering or Science;
- A Graduate Student from the Faculties of Arts, Education or Management;
- A Graduate Student from the Faculties of Dentistry or Medicine and Health Sciences;
- A Graduate Student from the Faculty of Law or the Schulich School of Music;
- Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) Manager, Academic Programs (voice but no vote);
- Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) Academic Programs Officer (voice but no vote);
- Secretary to the Subcommittee on Courses and Teaching Programs (SCTP) (voice but no vote);
- Committee Secretary
For more information, please consult their website.
Subcommittee on Academic Freedom (SAF)
- Investigate complaints of academic freedom violations in accordance with the process set out below and, where appropriate, to make recommendations arising from such investigations; and
- oversee the effective implementation of the present Policy.
Each year by June 1st, APC will nominate a standing Subcommittee on Academic Freedom (SAF) that includes five members of APC, which shall include:
- three members of academic staff;
- one member of senior administration; and
- one student.
For additional information, please consult McGill's Policy on Academic Freedom.