Central Internal Review Process

Standing Internal Review Committee

The Standing Internal Review Committee (SIRC) is mandated by the Provost and Executive Vice-President (Academic) to review nominations to the CRC program and for McGill University’s internal recognition awards: Distinguished James McGill Professorships, James McGill Professorships, and William Dawson Scholars.

The SIRC is chaired by the Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies), and composed of ex-officio members, including the Vice-President (Research and Innovation), the Director, Planning and Operations (OPEVPA), the Senior Research Equity Advisor (OPEVPA), the Academic Affairs Officer (OPEVPA), and six tenured professors who are active or former CRCs or James McGill Professors. Professors are assigned staggered terms of three years. The current SIRC membership is listed here: Standing Internal Review Committee Membership

The SIRC reviews the quality of nominees’ and their proposed research programs in view of the criteria specified for the relevant program or award. They also review the quality of nominees’ and their proposed research programs in view of the institutional environment, institutional commitment, and alignment with the University’s Strategic Research Plan. SIRC members are required to receive EDI training.

The SIRC uses the same selection criteria as the CRC program’s Interdisciplinary Adjudication Committee to assess nominations.

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