Why does it matter to graduate students?

To maintain our place as a premier research-intensive university, McGill will continue to attract and support talented graduate students from Quebec, Canada and throughout the world. ASAP 2012 emphasizes improvements in graduate education that build on past strengths to address increased funding; expand and refine a dynamic online application process to improve recruitment and enrolment; build on the success of the well-respected SKILLSETs program; extend better-defined processes for monitoring graduate student progress and time to completion; and implement, in partnership with units across the University, a program to enhance all aspects of graduate supervision.

Better support for grad students.

We will improve the graduate environment by ensuring that graduate student support packages, increased nine-fold over the past six years, are even more competitive to help faculties attract the best students, both domestic and international. This means enhancements to financial support, and improved access to research grants, in addition to better supervision and reduced time to completion.

Increased opportunities for career and skill development.

Building on the success of the well-respected SKILLSETS program, McGill will increase offerings in areas of targeted need.

Better collaboration across units to enhance all aspects of graduate student supervision.

Enhanced programs for both supervisors and graduate students will target and emphasize improvements in graduate supervision.

Refined processes and programs for improving time to completion.

Improving times to completion for graduate students remains a core challenge with more work to be done related to effectively monitoring progress to the degree at the local level.

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