
Computing & data storage

We offer core services for data storage and for accessing distributed computing ressources. Please refer to this link for more information and for requesting access. 



CBRAIN is a flexible software platform with a small footprint and minimal requirements which allows us to integrate the often extremely heterogenous research High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities across Canada and the World. Moreover, not limited to deploying a National and International distributed data and compute grid for our neuroimaging partners, the CBRAINengine drives an online collaborative web platform from which users remotely and transparently control data, compute and results, including various forms of 2D and 3D data visualisation, regardless of where these resources and data are.

Compute Canada

Compute Canada is leading the creation of a powerful national HPC platform for research. This national platform integrates High Performance Computing (HPC) resources at six partner consortia across the country to create a dynamic computational resource. Compute Canada integrates high-performance computers, data resources and tools, and academic research facilities around the country.


LORIS is a modular and extensible web-based data management system that integrates all aspects of a multi-center study: from heterogeneous data acquisition (imaging, clinical, behavior, and genetics) to storage, processing, and ultimately dissemination. It provides a secure, user-friendly, and streamlined platform to automate the flow of clinical trials and complex multi-center studies. LORIS is a complete solution that has been thoroughly tested through a full 10 year life cycle of a multi-center longitudinal project1 and is now supporting numerous international neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration research projects.


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