Room booking

  • Find information on rooms that can be booked for departmental events below.

  • Check room availability prior to submitting a request (currently only for Bellini 230, Stewart N5/9, Stewart N7/1, and N7/39).

  • Submit a booking request using this webform.

  • Requests will be processed by Susan Gabe and confirmed via e-mail.






Bellini 230

View availability

15 for Dept. of Biology use only Projector (HDMI, VGA), speakers, whiteboard

Stewart N2/2



Projector (VGA only), microphone, speakers, DocCam, blackboard. A/V setup instructions

Lecture recording system

Stewart N5/1


25   Smart screen (VGA, wireless), whiteboard. A/V setup instructions

Stewart N5/9

View availability

15 for Dept. of Biology use only Projector (HDMI, VGA), whiteboard

Stewart N7/1

View availablity


65 for Dept. of Biology use only Projector (HDMI, VGA), speakers, blackboard

Stewart N7/39

View availablity


10 for Dept. of Biology use only. Requires requesting and picking up room key No AV equipment

Stewart S2/2


20   Projector (VGA only), speakers, blackboard. A/V setup instructions

Stewart S3/3



Projector (HDMI, VGA), microphone, speakers, DocCam, blackboard. A/V setup instructions

Lecture recording system

Stewart S3/4


46   Projector (HDMI, VGA), microphone, speakers, DocCam, blackboard. A/V setup instructions


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