
In the News

Can Animals Help Limit Concussions?
2 January 2014 (The New York Times)

How Language Seems to Shape One's View of the World
2 January 2014 (NPR)

'Jumping Genes' Linked to Schizophrenia
2 January 2014 (Science)

When Teen Drivers Multitask, They're Even Worse Than Adults
1 January 2014 (NPR)

Ski Helmet Use Isn’t Reducing Brain Injuries
31 December 2013 (The New York Times)

Why induced comas help injured brains
31 December 2013 (CNN Health)

Why some people respond to stress by falling asleep: Flight or flight, or sleep
26 December 2013 (The Atlantic)

The individuality of pain
19 December 2013 (McGill News Alumni Magazine)

Discovery of 'teen gene' could help combat severe mental illness later in life
18 December 2013 (CTV News)

Of mice and men? Absent fathers alter rodents’ brains, study suggests
5 December 2013 (Ottawa Citizen)

Cognitive performance in psychosis has roots in childhood
5 December 2013 (MedWire News)

Fear of a smell can be passed down several generations
1 December 2013 (New Scientist)

Social butterflies' brains differ from those of people with fewer friends, new study shows
22 November 2013 (Huff Post)

Health Minister Réjean Hébert awards prestigious 2013 Prix Persillier-Lachapelle to Dr. Mimi Israël
19 November 2013 (watch the video)

Congratulations to neuroSPEED's Sebastien Dery who is the winner of this year's Brain Art Competition, held at the conference of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Seattle). 

Category: "Best Visualization of Probabilistic Connectivity."

enlarge >

The picture represents virtual axonal white fibers estimated from functional connectivity metrics obtained with MEG source imaging of brain activity. This type of visualization and modeling is part of Sebastien's Masters project in the lab (Baillet's lab, MEG@McGill, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University).

Learn more about neuroSPEED>

Brigitte Kieffer named new Scientific Director of the Douglas Institute Research Centre
31 October 2013 (The Sacramental Bee)

A bill to help protect student athletes from concussions
31 October 2013 (CJAD)

Fewer 'brain dead' patients means less organ donors when need for transplants is at 'all-time high': researchers 
29 October 2013 (The National Post)

Brain magic: the power of placebos
28 October 2013 (CBC, The Nature of Things)

Scientists examine the causes and treatment of addictive behaviour
28 October 2013 (South China Morning Post)

Housing mentally ill is cost-effective: study
It costs little more than leaving them on the street, researcher says

24 October 2013 (Vancouver Sun)

The Man Who Forgot Everything
21 October 2013 (The New Yorker)

Why Your Brain Needs More Downtime
16 October 2013 (Scientific American)

Important New Theory Explains Where Old Memories Go
16 October 2013 (Scientific American)

Novel brain monitoring technique could lead to ‘mind-reading’ devices
16 October 2013 (Fox News)

Ambitious, innovative programs advance research and patient care
16 October 2013 (Med e-News and The Neuro)

Epigenetics: How to alter your genes
16 October 2013 (The Telegraph)

Grain brain: Experts disagree over whether grains are bad for our brains
15 October 2013 (The Current, CBC radio)

To live and learn: making memories has to be a speedy business
15 October 2013 (the Neuro)

Everything in moderation: excessive nerve cell pruning leads to disease
8 October 2013 (the Neuro)

A world first: Douglas Institute researchers identify the neural circuits that modulate REM sleep
4 October 2013 (Douglas News)

$4.5M funding creates new multidisciplinary research centre
2 October 2013 (Lab Canada)

McGill celebrates the latest recipients of prestigious Vanier and Banting Awards
26 September 2013 (McGill Reporter)

Nobel Laureate David Hubel dies at 87
24 September 2013 (The Washington Post)

Nobel laureate David Hubel, who taught at Harvard, dies at 87
24 September 2013 (The Boston Globe Obituaries)

Are some people born creative?
19 September 2013 (The Guardian)

Focus Shifts to Gray Matter in Search for the Cause of Multiple Sclerosis
19 September 2013 (Scientific American)

New Brain Scans For Alzheimer's May Mean Earlier Diagnosis
19 September 2013 (Forbes)

Researchers say alzheimer's drugs lack benefit for mild cognitive impairment
17 September 2013 (Toronto Star and others)

How do filmmakers manipulate our emotions with music?
16 September 2013 (BBC)

Mindless: The New Neuro-Skeptics by Adam Gopnik
11 September 2013 (The New Yorker)

Can bilingualism make you smarter?
11 September 2013 (Global News video)

The New Science of Mind
9 September 2013 (New York Times)

Tech Scans Driver's Brain Behind the Wheel
7 September 2013 (Discovery News)

This is Musician Mickey Hart's Brain On Music
6 September 2013 (NPR audio)

Promising New Tactics Found in Battle Against Alzheimer's Disease
5 September 2013 (TIME)

Desjardins Group and The Neuro – training the next generation of neuroscientists
4 September 2013 (McGill)

A window to the brain? It's here, says UC Riverside team
4 September 2013 (LA Times)

How to Rebuild an Attention Span
4 September 2013 (The Atlantic)

Neuroscience: Map the other brain
4 September 2013 (Nature)

Researchers discover potential epilepsy drug using zebrafish
3 September 2013 (Fox News)

Sleep 'boosts brain cell numbers'
3 September 2013 (BBC News)

Subtleties of neuronal receptor behaviour described in new research
2 September 2013 (Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Oxford)

Changing your brain by learning other languages at various ages
2 September 2013 (The Examiner)

Do our brains pay a price for GPS?
2 September 2013 (The Boston Globe)

When food goes bad: binge eating and reward
2 September 2013 (Scientific American)

Learning a new language alters brain development
29 August 2013 (the Neuro)

Babies learn to recognize words in the womb
26 August 2013 (Science)

How the monkey brain assimilates a virtual limb into its body map
26 August 2013 (The Guardian)

Cocaine 'rapidly changes the brain'
25 August 2013 (BBC News)

Flying high-altitude spy planes tied to brain lesions
23 August 2013 (Reuters)

Study seeks super ager' secrets to brain health
22 August 2013 (npr)

Discovering neuroscience through art
22 August 2013 (CTV video clip)

Can you see your own brain waves?
21 August 2013 (Discover)

A new role for sodium in the brain
20 August 2013 (McGill)

Do our brains pay a price for GPS?
19 August 2013 (Boston Globe)

Alcoholism could be linked to a hyper-active brain dopamine system
12 August 2013 (McGill)

A Flashy Approach to Watching Brains in Action
9 August 2013 (National Geographic)

Can Chocolate Boost Brain Health? Don't Binge Just Yet
8 August 2013 (NPR)

This Brain Discovery May Overturn a Century-Old Theory
8 August 2013 (Scientific American)

Caffeine shakes up growing mouse brains
7 August 2013 (Science News)

Sleep Is the Brain's Way of Staying in Balance
7 August 2013 (Scientific American)

How Sleep Loss Adds to Weight Gain
6 August 2013 (New York Times)

Why The Brains Of High-Powered People May Be More Prone To Addiction
6 August 2013 (Forbes)

Paralyzed patients 'Speak' with their pupils
5 August 2013 (Science)

Simulating 1 second of human brain activity takes 82,944 processors
5 August 2013 (Extreme Tech)

Navigational cells located in human brains
4 August 2013 (The New York Times)

Human cells make mice smarter
4 August 2013 (Scientific American)

How brains race to cancel errant movements
3 August 2013 (Discover)

Men and women gauge risk differently
3 August 2013 (Science News)

Decisions casts doubt on brain scans for Alzheimer's

1 August 2013 (The New York Times)

Camping resets internal clock
1 August 2013 (Science News)

Portable brain-scan headsets: 4 incredible applications
1 August 2013 (National Geographics)

Study: brain chemistry in autistic kids differs from others with developmental delays
1 August 2013 (CBS News)

Illusory scenes fade into and out of view
31 July 2013 (Scientific American)

Train of thought derailed: how an accident can affect your brain
31 July 2013 (Scientific American)

From the thalamus with love: second case of synesthesia after brain injury reported
30 July 2013 (Science 2.0)

The Neural Magic of Hypnotic Suggestion
29 July 2013 (Scientific American)

Keeping your balance: identification of key neurons that sense unexpected motion has significant implications for understanding of motion sickness
29 July 2013 (McGill)

How an introvert can be happier: act like an extrovert
24 July 2013 (The Wall Street Journal)

Stem cell eye cells tested in mice
22 July 2013 (MIT Technology Review)

Can brain scans diagnose mental illness?
21 July 2013 (Scientific American)

MS damage repair treatment looked at by Edinburgh researchers
21 July 2013 (BBC News)

How Pesticides Can Cause Parkinson's
19 July 2013 (Scientific American)

Tiny Rat Cocktail Parties Shed Light on Why Smokers Drink
19 July 2013 (NPR)

Our brains 'divide and conquer'
19 July 2013 (Science Alert: Australia & New Zealand)

Conference focuses on ways to improve the lives of children

Vancouver is playing host this week to an exploration of the latest findings in neuroscience, mental health and child development. Common to all these fields is the growing awareness of how much our mental, emotional and physical health is affected by our experiences and environments, especially in our early years. One major focus will be the new science of epigenetics - how our experiences can change not only the expression of our DNA, but also that of our children and even grandchildren. On Friday, McGill University professor Moshe Szyf, a world leader in this field, will discuss the epigenetic implications of early life adversity on mental health.  23 July 2013 (Vancouver Sun)

The roots of optimism and pessimism studied
16 July 2013 (BBC)

Magnetic brain stimulation might aid stroke recovery
2 July 2013 (Health 24)

The first-ever 3D cerebral atlas
2 July 2013 (CTV Canada AM)

International Partnership Agreement in Neuroscience
McGill University, the University of Oxford and the Neuroscience Center Zurich signed a partnership agreement in Montreal aimed at enhancing their research collaborations in neuroscience. 

26 June 2013 (CNW photo release)

Smart youth may avoid dementia, captial study finds
26 June 2013 (Scotsman)

Study confirms social brain theory
26 June 2013 (BBC News)

Why Music Make Our Brain Sing
25 June 2013 (NYTimes)

Scientists create detailed 3-D model of human brain
25 June 2013 (Washington Post)

3-D Map of Human Brain Gives Unprecedented Detail
25 June 2013 (NYTimes)

This is Your Brain on Coffee
25 June 2013 (NYTimes)

Blocking overactive receptor in Alzheimer’s recovers memory loss and more
17 June 2013 (the Neuro)

Experts say senior suicide common, under-reported
17 June 2013 

Cleverly confusing ads show how Parkinson's makes everyday tasks difficult
12 June 2013 (CBC)

Grandma's experiences leave a mark on your genes
12 June 2013 (Discover magazine)

Editorial: Soccer / Concussions - the real safety issue
11 June 2013 (Globe and Mail)

Scientists at UCI restore long-term memory to mice
6 June 2013 (The Record)

Brain aging may depend on childhood intelligence
6 June 2013 (TIME)

Suicide study reveals depth of Nunavut's mental health problems
6 June 2013 (Gazette)

Sexual and emotional abuse scar the brain in specific ways
5 June 2013 (TIME)

Mother’s education linked to offspring's mental health
4 June 2013 (New York Times)

Westdale student wins Brain Bee; student celebrates by going out for dinner and not having 'to do the dishes'
3 June 2013 

Mother’s education impacts depression in her children
31 May 2013 

Who was H.M.? Inside the mind of the amnesiac who revolutionized neuroscience
30 May 2013 (Popular Science)

New Canadian money smells like syrup, melts in heat
30 May 2013 (ABC News)

Montreal YWCA announces its women of distinction winners
29 May 2013 (The Gazette)

Neglecting youth with mental illness costs billions, expert says
27 May 2013 (The Gazette)

Early intervention key to success with mental illness
26 May 2013 (The Gazette)

Where visual search happens in the brain

22 May 2013 (Futurity)

Migraines plus depression may equal smaller brain
22 May 2013 (CBC News)

Molecule may be able to block cocaine addiction
22 May 2013 (CBC News)

A conversation with Brenda Milner: Still Charting Memory’s Depths
21 May 2013 (New York Times)

Student's brilliance Doogie Howser-like 
16 May 2013 (the Province)

At our place, one concussion is a brain injury too many
16 May 2013 (the Chronicle Herald)

THE 2013 HUGH KNOWLES PRIZE FOR DISTINGUISHED ACHIEVEMENT Robert Zatorre, based at the Montreal Neurological Institute, has been selected as the 2013 Hugh Knowles Prize winner for revolutionizing the field of the neuroscience of music and making key contributions to the hearing sciences.  Additional McGill's IPN feature>
15 May 2013 

Climate change, mental health studied
15 May 2013 

Academic minute:Dr. Frank Elgar, McGill University – Psychological Health and Family Meals
15 May 2013 

Newsmakers: Dr. Ted Fon on Parkinson's Disease
14 May 2013 (CTV news video)

Another go-round in the saga of psychiatry's bible; critics see latest version as a list of symptoms with little medical value
13 May 2013 

McGill researchers unlock clues to Parkinson's Canadian researchers have made a discovery that could lead to better treatment for Parkinson's disease. Scientists at McGill University and the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital have determined the three-dimensional structure of the protein Parkin. The hereditary form of Parkinson's is caused by a mutation in the Parkin protein.

13 May 2013 (Sun News Network)

Unleashing the watchdog protein
10 May 2013 (the Neuro)

Brain implants: Restoring memory with a microchip
9 May 2013 (CNN)

New Test Distinguishes Physical From Emotional Pain in Brain for First Time
9 May 2013 (TIME)

Pfizer announces new round of psychiatry research awards recipients

Dr. Rajamannar Ramasubbu, MD, Associate Professor, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary and Dr. Jorge Armony, PhD, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University will each receive $100,000 to support their research in psychiatric diseases.

8 May 2013

Business & the Brain

From healing brain injury in children with a diabetes drug to diagnosing Alzheimer's with an eye exam, five major research projects announced Monday by Brain Canada are focused on "translational" medicine, aimed less at the pure mysteries of the mind and more at helping patients recover from specific diseases.

30 April 2013 (National Post)

IRCM researchers are among five teams in Canada to receive funding from BRAIN CANADA   30 April 2013 (CNW)

April is Parkinson's Awareness Month - Montréal's tourism industry mobilizes to welcome the 3rd World Parkinson Congress   30 April 2013 (CNW)

William T. Couldwell, MD'84 PhD [McGill] to lead American Assoc. of Neurological Surgeons as President in 2013-14   30 April 2013 (CNW)

When did life itself become a treatable mental disorder?   April 28, 2013

Eight new things we've learned about music   April 25, 2013

Grandma's experiences leave a mark on your genes
April 23, 2013 (Discover Magazine, subscription required for full article)

Assaulted by a song: sometimes music really does hit you right between the eyes
April 22, 2013 (Winnipeg Free Press)

CIBC and Brain Canada join forces to fight brain cancer
April 19, 2013

Will we ever...understand why music makes us feel good?
April 19, 2013 (BBC)

What the Brain Can Tell Us About Art
April 12, 2013 (The New York Times: Grey Matter by Eric R. Kandel)

Scientific research: put our money where our brain is  The Harper government should get its grey matter in gear and try to hook up Canada into President Barack Obama's new $100-million brain-research program. 
April 12, 2013 (Globe and Mail)

Why does music feel so good?
April 12, 2013 (Science Now)
also in National GeographicBBCThe GuardianDaily Mail, and full report in Science Magazine.

Why we buy music
April 10, 2013 (The Neuro)

Laval student a science winner: 17-year-old gets third prize in competition for designing treatment for Parkinson's
April 10, 2013

April is Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month 
April 4, 2013

Four years after experimental MS treatment: West Island doc hopeful
April 4, 2013

Can music be more effective than drugs?
April 3, 2013

Obama announces $100M for BRAIN MAPPING Project 
April 3, 2013

Obama to Unveil Initiative to Map the Human Brain
April 2, 2013 (The New York Times)

Major health benefits of music uncovered: the neurochemistry of music
March 28, 2013

The Douglas Institute has a poetry slam, a blog on advertising and mental health, and lectures on tap during Mental Health Week 2013 from May 6 to 12

more about activities for the general public >

Major advance in understanding risky but effective Multiple Sclerosis treatment
March 26, 2013

How to Handel Loiterers: Give'em a blast of the Classics
March 25, 2013

Family meals can help to life those teenage moods
March 22, 2013 (Daily Telegraph, Daily Express)

La sclérose en plaques: percée québécoise
March 21, 2013 (Radio-Canada) French language feature

Primary care physicians missing early signs of serious mental illness

March 21, 2013 (Center for Advancing Health)

Probing the power of the placebo
March 21, 2013 (Globe & Mail)

Family dinners nourish good mental health in adolescent
March 20, 2013

How to make stress work in your favor
March 11, 2013 (Boston Globe)

The Winter 2013 edition of d.comm, the Douglas Institute’s magazine on mental health is now available.  The magazine contains, among others, articles on the PEPP-Montreal Program, the Brain Imaging Centre, Lean/6Sigma projects and an interview with philanthropist J. Anthony Boeckh. read more >

What’s new in epilepsy research at The Neuro
March - National Epilepsy Awareness Month 
March 7, 2013

Reducing effects of traumatic events 
Reducing fear and stress following a traumatic event could be as simple as providing a protein synthesis blocker to the brain.
March 4, 2013

Neurobehavioural correlates of body mass index and eating behaviours in adults: A systematic review
March 1, 2013

Eye movements reveal impaired reading in schizophrenia
February 19, 2013

The mystery of memory 
Kate Lunau's dispatch from the AAAS Meeting on the most famous neurological patient in history, "HM".
February 18, 2013

Chronic pain alters DNA marking in the brain
February 14, 2013

There's No Such Thing as Everlasting Love (According to Science)  
A new book argues that the emotion happens in "micro-moments of positivity resonance." (The Atlantic)

Newsmaker: How the brain makes memories   
Dr. Tim Kennedy of The Neuro at McGill University examines the physical and neurological processes involved in creating memories.
February 13, 2013 (CTV News)

Mental Resilience  The Douglas Institute's/McGill psychiatry chair Mimi Israel talks with CTV News on the subject.  
February 13, 2013 (CTV News)

Early music lessons boosts brain development
February 12, 2013 (The Neuro)

Clinician-scientists at The Neuro receive funding for Parkinson’s and HIV research
February 5, 2013 (The Neuro)

Technology has unprecedented ability to detect and diagnose Alzheimer’s 
February 5, 2013 (The Neuro)

Pioneering memory researcher Brenda Milner inducted into the Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame
February 5, 2013 (The Neuro)

Internationally renowned Quebec scientist to take helm of The Neuro
February 5, 2013 (The Neuro)

The Human Brain Project: winner of the of the largest European scientific funding competition
February 5, 2013 (The Neuro)

Finding the way to memory
February 5, 2013 (The Neuro)

Could brains be trained to resist cravings?  
New research suggests that addicts experience dysfunctional decision-making - and it can be temporarily disabled  
February 4, 2013 (The Globe and Mail)

Un cerveau humain recréé virtuellement
February 4, 2013 (Radio-Canada)

Exploring Research at McGill feature on Ronald Melzack: Pain Pioneer
Making Headway video (McGill University)

McGill's tribute to Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini
December 31, 2012 (letter from Dr. Claudio Cuello)

Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini, Nobel Winner, Dies at 103
December 30, 2012 (The New York Times)

15 March 2013 
$1 Million B.R.A.I.N. Prize 

Addiction: abnormal communication in the brain
January 29, 2013

New technology has unprecedented ability to detect and diagnose Alzheimer's  
January 28, 2013

The Human Brain Project: winner of the largest European scientific funding competition  
January 28, 2013

Study points to potential treatment for Alzheimer's; researcher stimulate brain's defences against disease in mice
January 16, 2013

Open call to McGill graduate students to give three-minute presentations about their thesis research initiatives and their impact on the community. It takes all kinds of knowledge to change the world— thesis research from all disciplines is welcome!  due 20 February 2013  find out more >

25 January 2013 >>Workshop Schedule
McGill-Imperial College London second joint workshop on 'NeuroEngineering and Advanced Neural Technologies'

Guy Rouleau becomes Director of Montreal Neurological Institute
January 1, 2013

McGill's Faculty of Medicine wants to make mental health a key priority 
David Eidelman talks about the importance of these issues at the Douglas annual general meeting
December 17, 2012

Brenda Milner: A scientific pioneer and a reluctant role model
December 17, 2012 (the Globe & Mail)

Researchers find new genetic pathway behind neurodevelopmental disorders
December 11, 2012

How neuroscience can explain your trading risk profile 
December 3, 2012 

New Chief of the Department of Psychiatry (MUHC) 
December 3, 2012

Whao, Scientists just reversed autism symptoms in mice
November 28, 2012 (continuing coverage) 

Clinician-scientists at The Neuro receive funding for Parkinson’s and HIV research
November 27, 2012

Study on dementia aims to build up defences
November 26, 2012 (The Gazette)

Brenda Milner inducted into the Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame
November 21, 2012

New hope for understanding autism spectrum disorders 
November 21, 2012

Guy Rouleau appointed director of The Neuro 
November 8, 2012

Quebec government recognizes neuroscience partnership
McGill-Oxford neuroscience collaboration wins the McCarthy Tétrault Award of Excellence for Partnership from the Quebec Government Office in London.


L’apprentissage d’une nouvelle langue modifie le développement du cerveau
29 août 2013 (the Neuro)

Nouveau rôle pour le sodium dans le cerveau
20 août 2013 (McGill)

Un indice pour expliquer l’alcoolisme
12 août 2013 (McGill)

Garder l’équilibre: la découverte de neurones clés sensibles aux mouvements inattendus a d’importantes répercussions sur la compréhension du mal des transports
29 juillet 2013 (McGill)

Le blocage d’un récepteur hyperactif dans l’Alzheimer enraie la perte de mémoire et plus

17 juin 2013 (Neuro)

11 juin 2013 (La Presse)

11 juin 2013 (La Presse)

6 juin 2013

5 juin 2013

La protéine sentinelle en action
10 mai 2013

L’impulsion à la source de nos achats de musique
10 avril 2013

Avril est le mois de la sensibilisation au Parkinson
4 avril 2013

Découverte: la protéine du souvenir
3 avril 2013

La musique et ses effets bénéfiques pour la santé: La neurochimie de la musique
28 mars 2013

Avancée importante dans la compréhension d’un traitement risqué mais efficace de la sclérose en plaques
26 mars 2013

Le Bal des lumières : 1,1 million pour la santé mentale
22 mars 2013

Family meals can help to life those teenage moods (en anglais)
22 mars 2013 (Daily Telegraph, Daily Express)

La sclérose en plaques : percée québécoise
21 mars 2013 (Radio-Canada)

Primary care physicians missing early signs of serious mental illness (en anglais)
21 mars 2013 (Center for Advancing Health)

Probing the power of the placebo (en anglais)
21 mars 2013 (Globe & Mail)

Soupers en famille favorisent une bonne santé mentale 
20 mars 2013

L'édition Hiver 2013 de d.comm, le magazine de l'Institut Douglas sur la santé mentale est maintenant disponible. Le magazine contient, entre autres, des articles sur le programme PEPP-Montréal, le Centre d'imagerie cérébrale, les projets Lean/6Sigma et une entrevue avec le philanthrope J. Anthony BoeckhEn savoir plus>

Mars – Mois national de sensibilisation à l’épilepsie
Les nouveautés en recherche sur l’épilepsie au Neuro
7 mars 2013

Atténuer les effets des événements traumatiques
Il pourrait suffir de fournir au cerveau un inhibiteur de la synthèse des protéines pour atténuer la peur et le stress causés par un événement traumatique.
4 mars 2013

Neurobehavioural correlates of body mass index and eating behaviours in adults: A systematic review
1 mars 2013 (en anglais)

Schizophrénie et troubles de lecture 
19 février 2013

La douleur chronique altère le marquage de l’ADN
14 février 2013

The mystery of memory 
Kate Lunau's dispatch from the AAAS Meeting on the most famous neurological patient in history, "HM".
February 18, 2013 (en anglais)

There's No Such Thing as Everlasting Love (According to Science)  
A new book argues that the emotion happens in "micro-moments of positivity resonance." (en anglais : The Atlantic)

Newsmaker: How the brain makes memories   
Dr. Tim Kennedy of The Neuro at McGill University examines the physical and neurological processes involved in creating memories.
February 13, 2013 (en anglais : CTV News) 

Mental Resilience  The Douglas Institute's/McGill psychiatry chair Mimi Israel talks with CTV News on the subject.  
February 13, 2013 (en anglais : CTV News)

L’apprentissage précoce de la musique accentue le développement du cerveau
12 février 2013

Clinician-scientists at The Neuro receive funding for Parkinson’s and HIV research
February 5, 2013 (en anglais : The Neuro)

Technology has unprecedented ability to detect and diagnose Alzheimer’s
February 5, 2013 (en anglais : The Neuro)

Pioneering memory researcher Brenda Milner inducted into the Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame
February 5, 2013 (en anglais : The Neuro)

La toxicomanie : une communication anormale dans le cerveau
29 janvier 2013

Une nouvelle technologie sans précédent permet de dépister et de diagnostiquer la maladie d’Alzheimer
28 janvier 2013

Le Human Brain Project gagne la compétition du plus grand fonds scientifique européen
28 janvier 2013

Autisme : un même mécanisme pourrait expliquer plusieurs cas
4 décembre 2012

How neuroscience can explain your trading risk profile
3 décembre 2012 

Une nouvelle chef au département de psychiatrie (CUSM)
3 décembre 2012

Whao, Scientists just reversed autism symptoms in mice
28 novembre 2012 (continuing coverage) 

Octroi de subventions de recherche sur le parkinson et le VIH à des cliniciens chercheurs du Neuro
27 novembre 2012

Study on dementia aims to build up defences
26 novembre 2012 (The Gazette)

Le Panthéon canadien des sciences et du génie accueille Brenda Milner
21 novembre 2012

Recherche sur les troubles du spectre autistique
21 novembre 2012

Guy Rouleau - Nouveau Directeur du Neuro
8 novembre 2012

Prix pour collaboration neuroscientifique McGill-Oxford
La collaboration scientifique McGill-Oxford remporte le Prix d’excellence Partenariat McCarthy Tétrault de la Délégation du Québec à Londres

Des scientifiques de de l’Université McGill, qui collaborent avec une équipe de l’Université Oxford ont découvert le défaut génétique à l’origine d’un groupe de maladies génétiques rares. PDF
9 octobre 2012

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