Updated: Mon, 07/22/2024 - 15:29

Gradual reopening continues on downtown campus. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

La réouverture graduelle du campus du centre-ville se poursuit. Complément d'information : Direction de la protection et de la prévention.


McGill Talks

Where is Canada Now? What issues should Canadians be prioritizing?

"McGill Talks” is a new TV show on Canal Savoir produced by McGill Multimedia. The first episode airs this week, featuring Ken Dryden, Antonia Maioni, and Chris Ragan. Moderated by Jacquie Rourke, McGill Talks tackles issues in the news with a variety of McGill experts


Canada Now

Where is Canada Now? What issues should Canadians be prioritizing? How healthy is our democracy? McGill Talks Canada Now with: former Liberal MP and hockey legend Ken Dryden, now a teacher with the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada; Political Science Professor Antonia Maioni, a frequent media commentator on Canadian politics, and; Economics Professor Chris Ragan, chair of Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission.

McGill Talks

Global Migration

We are witnessing the largest migration of people fleeing war and difficulty since WW2. How should countries face these challenges? Are there solutions that politicians are ignoring? To discuss are four McGill professors: François Crépeau, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants; Adelle Blackett, Director, Labour Law & Development Research Laboratory; Jill Hanley, School of Social Work, co-founder of the Immigrant Workers Center in Montreal, and; Laura Madokoro, History, specializing in the relationship between race, migration and humanitarianism.






« Maîtres en Musique »

« Maîtres en Musique » is a series exploring the teachings of music in five different universities.

L'opéra à l'Université de Montréal

Découvrez le riche univers de l'opéra avec la soprano et professeure Rosemarie Landry. Trois étudiants en répétition ont le privilège de recevoir les conseils de celle qui est reconnue comme étant l'une des plus grandes interprètes mondiales de la mélodie française. Avec une grande générosité et un enthousiasme contagieux, elle nous fait découvrir la rigueur qu'exige la poursuite d'études supérieures en chant.

La guitare classique à l'Université du Québec à Montréal

Entendez de jeunes guitaristes interpréter des pièces de Manuel Maria Ponce et Joaquin Turina devant le maître Isabelle Héroux. Ensemble, ils travaillent l'interprétation de leur pièce au niveau du rythme, des nuances et des émotions qu'ils transmettent à travers leur jeu. Elle nous fait ainsi découvrir toutes les subtilités de son instrument.


La musique de chambre à l'Université Laval

On assiste, entre autres, à une répétition de l'Atelier de musique baroque, dirigée par le chef d'orchestre Matthias Maute, qui interprète la pièce Hamburger Ebb' und Flut de Georges Philipp Telemann; vient ensuite la sonate pour violon et piano Le Printemps de Beethoven commentée par le violoniste Darren Lowe; ainsi qu'un quatuor à cordes interprétant les Lettres Intimes de Leos Janácek sous les conseils de Darren Lowe et Jean-Luc Plourde.

Les percussions à l'Université McGill

Les étudiants de programme de percussions vous invitent dans un univers méconnu et abstrait où le jeu des percussions se fait à partir de multiples matériaux et intègre d'autres formes d'expressions comme la danse, le théâtre et même le chant. Entendez-les interpréter différentes pièces dont Variations sur un texte de Victor Hugo (Jean-Pierre Drouet), Toucher (Vinko Globokar) et To The Earth (Frederic Rzewski) sous l’œil attentif du percussionniste français Jean-Pierre Drouet.

La musique de films à l'Université de Sherbrooke

Découvrez le talent de trois étudiants de l'Université de Sherbrooke inscrits au cheminement en composition et musique à l'image. À partir du même court film d'animation, chacun devait créer une trame sonore et la présenter au compositeur Robert Marcel Lepage. Une occasion d'entendre trois interprétations uniques donnant chacune une couleur différente au film et d'assister aux transformations suggérées par le maître pour bonifier l'oeuvre.

The cities we need

The Cities We Need will look at the ways in which cities are reinventing themselves and, in turn, reinventing what it means to be Canadian. Presented by the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, the conference brings together leading politicians, policy-makers, urbanists, activists, journalists and academics, and will examine issues such as infrastructure, urban citizenship, as well as justice and equality in our cities.


City Governance - The Mayor's Perspective

What can big cities learn from smaller cities? Are Canada's fiscal and constitutional arrangements good for cities? If the Prime Minister of Canada were here in this room, what would you want to tell him about cities? These were some of the questions MISC asked mayors from cities across Canada (Mississauga, Yellowknife, Stratford, Halifax, and Chateauguay) in this session of The Cities We Need conference.

The Infrastructures We Need

The infrastructure in most Canadian cities was built 50-100 years ago. Are these older infrastructures burdens, obstacles, or do they present opportunities? What is the distinction between "hard" and "soft" infrastructures? Do our cities have the means to build new infrastructures or to improve existing ones?



Urban Citizenship

What is urban citizenship? What makes it different from "national citizenship", "global citizenship" or, for that matter,"rural citizenship"? Why is citizenship an urban issue now? Are people now identifying more with their cities than with their province or with Canada?

Justice, Equality, and The City

How can cities promote inclusion, justice, equality and security? What role does the media have to play? The police? Politicians? Citizens?

Watch and learn

Researching the Future is a video series highlighting research projects underway today at McGill that will affect our lives tomorrow.

« Un regard sur l'avenir » propose une série de vidéos qui analyse en profondeur les projets de recherche actuels à l’Université McGill qui auront un impact sur nos vies demain.

You can also catch select McGill public lectures broadcast on Canal Savoir. A non-profit, Quebec-based television channel, Canal Savoir strives to make higher learning accessible to everyone.

Un regard sur l'avenir de Montréal

centre-ville de Montréal

Comment la ville de Montréal évolue-t-elle sur les plans de la culture, du transport en commun, de l'engagement communautaire, et sur la question linguistique? Quels sont les défis importants pour Montréal sur le plan économique, et quelle est la vision du nouveau Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en études montréalaises (CRIEM)? Rencontrez des chercheurs qui visent ces questions.

Researching the future of Music

Women, young and old, playing clarinet

How is music research changing our listening and playing experience? Meet a multi-Grammy winning professor who is designing the audio recording studio of the future. Learn how a collaboration between neuroscientists at the MNI and engineers in the Schulich School of Music are uncovering secrets of the musician’s brain. Find out how one professor’s frustration with music teachers led to a career uncovering the best breathing techniques for wind instrument players. And meet PhD students whose research projects are leading people to discover, or re-discover, the many health and community benefits of playing music.

Un regard sur l'avenir du Quartier de l'innovation

Pourquoi le Quartier de l'innovation (QI) est-il considéré comme le quartier de l'avenir, et que trouvons-nous dans ce quartier historique? Rencontrez les dirigeants d'incubateurs pour entrepreneurs, découvrez le Fab Lab ainsi que l'École d'innovation citoyenne, et entrez dans une vieille église qui sera transformée en centre communautaire.

Researching the future of Sustainability

Macdonald campus farmers' market with fresh, sustainable produce

What exactly is sustainability and why is it central to our future? Learn how you can start being more sustainable at home by composting. See how McGill’s cafeterias are now more sustainable by serving up our own Mac Farm eggs. Meet McGill’s new Anti-Oppression Officer who discusses the importance of social sustainability. And learn why students are excited about the Desautels Faculty of Management’s new BCom and EMBA in Sustainability.

Un regard sur l’avenir de la médecine personnalisée

What exactly is “personalized medicine?” Researchers at Genome Quebec and at the Segal Cancer Centre explain how the advent of DNA has radically changed our approach to targeting disease.  Personalized medicine is also about offering patients better access to information about their conditions through digital patient records. And we see how a novel new technology is allowing children with a variety of learning challenges to play music and interact together.

Researching the Future of Food

This episode examines a variety of food-related research underway at McGill University. Meet researchers who are developing new food products from maple syrup and potatoes that promote health benefits, like combatting obesity and diabetes. Find out how fresh produce could be produced year-round in Quebec, including the far north, thanks to innovative growing techniques. And see how researchers are examining our food choices, in cafeterias and in grocery stores, in order to encourage healthier diets.



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