CARIWIN Regional Seminar

Georgetown, Guyana, January 14-15, 2010

The CARIWIN Regional Seminar was held in Georgetown, Guyana, on January 14-15, 2010. Attendance at the event included representatives from regional organizations; national partners from Grenada, Guyana and Jamaica; international guest speakers; as well as partners from the CIMH and McGill University. The focus of this 2-day event was on:

  • Day 1: The development of an Implementation Framework for Community Water Strategies (CWS)
  • Day 2: The expansion of the Caribbean Drought and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CDPMN) to Guyana

The Regional Seminar provided an opportunity for discussions on the way forward for CARIWIN. The main objectives were to:

  • Reinforce the principles of IWRM
  • Promote the leadership of CIMH, its institutional role and knowledge
  • Conduct a capacity-building exercise with National Partners focused on addressing needs and priorities in water management in the pilot community
  • Provide a forum for discussion amongst collaborators and regional, national, and community level stakeholders
  • Identify the needs and priorities regarding a National Water Information System and Caribbean Drought and Precipitation Monitoring Network for Guyana
  • Direct CARIWIN’s potential contributions

Country-specific documents were prepared for each of the pilot communities in the 3 partner countries in order to provide some background for discussions over Community Water Strategies at the Regional Seminar. The documents can be viewed by clicking on the individual links on the right hand side of this page.

Discussions on Day 1 identified several opportunities for strengthening CARIWIN's achievements to-date and meet the identified needs in its three partner countries. In particular, the role of CARIWIN in developing and delivering training programs in collaboration with regional partners was highlighted in order to meet specific development needs in the Caribbean. Discussions on Day 2 were concluded with a clear commitment from multiple agencies in Guyana to take the development of the National Water Information System and CDPMN forward in the country. The full report can be viewed by clicking on the link on the right hand side of this page.

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