New Type of Earthquake Discovered

Published: 6 December 2021

International team including McGill researchers has discovered a new type of seismic event. The existence of these hydraulic fracturing-induced earthquakes supports a scientific theory that until...

Deep-sea study reveals cause of 2011 tsunami

Published: 5 December 2013

The devastating tsunami that struck Japan’s Tohoku region in March 2011 was touched off by a submarine earthquake far more massive than anything geologists had expected in that zone.

Expert: Earthquakes in Ecuador and Japan

Published: 18 April 2016

Earthquakes struck Japan and Ecuador just hours apart on Saturday April 16, 2016. Were the two earthquakes related?

Experts: Earthquakes in Italia and Burma

Published: 24 August 2016

A strong earthquake in central Italy reduced three towns to rubble as people slept early Wednesday, with reports that at least 50 people were killed and hundreds injured as rescue crews raced to...

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