Scientists warn of the social and environmental risks tied to the energy transition

Published: 3 December 2020

To meet the most ambitious 1.5º C climate goal requires a rapid phaseout of fossil fuels and mass use of renewables. However, new international research by McGill University and the Institute of...

Ice sheets on the move: how north and south poles connect

Published: 25 November 2020

Over the past 40,000 years, ice sheets thousands of kilometres apart have influenced one another through sea level changes, according to research published today in Nature. New modelling of ice...

Climate Anxiety Workshop

Thursday, November 26, 2020 11:00to12:00

Online, CA/involvementCategory: Be well—Resilience Be well—Self-Knowledge Macdonald Campus Macdonald Campus Student Services Remote Spirituality Student services

Climate Anxiety Workshop

Thursday, November 26, 2020 11:00to12:00

Thinking about climate change, a global pandemic, and the state of the world can be overwhelming. There are a lot of emotions that can burden us and make everyday tasks seem daunting./morslCategory...

A new chapter for Environmental Studies at McGill

Published: 14 October 2020

Landmark $15-million gift commitment from McGill alumnus Marc Bieler to the School of Environment will bolster environmental scholarship, research and outreach ...

Experts: The return of ‘Fridays for Future’

Published: 25 September 2020

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to overshadow most other topics in 2020, Canadian activists are joining demonstrators around the world to bring climate change back into the conversation....

Climate & Sustainability Strategy Open Consultation

Tuesday, September 15, 2020 09:00to10:00

Online, CA/involvementCategory: Expand your expertise—Subject Knowledge Remote Work with others—Global & Local Engagement

Climate & Sustainability Strategy Open Consultation

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 12:00to13:00

Online, CA/involvementCategory: Expand your expertise—Subject Knowledge Remote Work with others—Global & Local Engagement

RADIO-CANADA INTERNATIONAL | Environmental activists face high risk of violence and assassination: study

Published: 7 July 2020

Activists defending their communities and the surrounding environment against development of extractive industries and land grabs for agrarian use face high rates of criminalization, physical...


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