McGill launches tool to make green building easier

Published: 21 May 2013

The McGill ReporterPosted on Tuesday, May 14, 2013By Cheryl Gladu New public online tool helps in selection of sustainable building material

Sustainable living at McGill

Published: 21 November 2013

Listen to the full broadcast below...

McGill Research Group Investigating Canadian Mining in Latin America (MICLA) Information Session

Thursday, September 19, 2013 16:00to18:00

Students interested in learning more about MICLA's work and how to participate are invited to a preliminary meeting from 4pm to 6 pm on Thursday September 19th, Room 617 Leacock Building.855 rue...

An electronic wasteland

Published: 7 October 2013

The importance of recycling used electronics. Published on September 30 2013 | McGill DailyWritten by Chris Mills

Zero Waste Week McGill 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013 16:00toSunday, November 17, 2013 16:00

Greening McGill, in collaboration with others, presents Zero Waste Week 2.0!  PHI Centre & McGill University, CA, CA/sustainabilityCategory: Sustainability


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