Brain Tumour Research Seminar Series: CIRBP is a Mediator of Leptomeningeal Metastasis (Virtual)

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 16:30to17:30

  Speaker: Rima Ezzeddine, Siegel LabQC, CA/neuroCategory: Medicine Research Medicine and Health Sciences

Neuro Workshop - Connectomics in Epilepsy: Disease Biomarkers, Models of Cognition and Big Data Network Science (Virtual)

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 10:00to16:00

Established scientists and early career researchers will take centre stage for a series of talks on state-of-the-art application of connectome analysis in the understanding of cognitive and...

Researchers awarded $2.7M to study loneliness and Alzheimer’s

Published: 7 October 2020

Work will tell us how loneliness interacts with brain structure and function in normal aging and pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease...


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