James Rickards and the end of the economy

Published: 4 April 2017

A recent Forbes book review delves into James Rickards’ The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites’ Secret Plan For The Next Financial Crisis, which makes the case that there is a big-ticket financial...

Paris sportifs : l’affaire Donaghy. Par Reuven Brenner et Aaron Brown

Published: 12 February 2013

Cet article, qui conclut un édito en deux parties sur les paris sportifs, est basé sur le livre World of Chance des auteurs publié en 2008 par les auteurs. La première partie est intitulée Le sport...

Central Banks and Illusions of Independence

Published: 13 September 2013

While much attention is now paid to personalities of incoming central bankers, far less attention is paid to debating central banks' mandates in light of the unusual fiscal and financial...

How Far Down Do You Define Deviancy in Ferguson?

Published: 28 November 2014

The late Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s celebrated phrase “defining deviancy down” first appeared in a 1993 essay in The American Scholar. “I proffer the thesis,” wrote Moynihan, “that, over the past...

How government destroys parenthood: Reuven Brenner

Published: 30 March 2016

Learning from their whooping crane failure? Birth rates in western countries have declined to far below replacement levels of 2.1. Why did these countries’ last few generations give up having kids?

Canada stagnates while the US charges ahead: why VC in Canada is doing so poorly

Published: 30 March 2017

In a recent piece for Asia Times, Desautels Professor Reuven Brenner shines a light on Canada’s VC culture, contrasting its sluggish returns with those of the US, which outstrips its northern...

What Does a 'Two-State Solution' Mean?

Published: 13 September 2013

In light of what is going on the Middle East, and the efforts of US Secretary of State John Kerry to restart negotiations to reach a ''two-state'' solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, it is...

Asia and a happy future for opera

Published: 15 August 2014

With classical music's popularity thriving in Asia (as millions of youngsters in China in particular are studying piano and violin from early age), and with the financial difficulties facing...

What do shareholders ‘own’?

Published: 8 February 2016

During a recent roundtable, I was startled when a participant brought me a recent Financial Times (Nov. 10, 2015) article, titled “Shareholders think they own the company – they are wrong,”...


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