Latent TB Treatment: Shorter is Better

Published: 2 August 2018

Treatment of latent tuberculosis is set to transform after a pair of studies from the Research-Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) revealed that a shorter treatment was safer...

QUARTZ | The global quest to eliminate Tuberculosis by 2030 hinges on India’s success

Published: 21 March 2018

World TB Day 2018 is turning out to be special—never in the history of tuberculosis (TB) control has there been greater political attention and commitment to tackling the infectious disease that...

Recent Publications from McGill Faculty

Published: 11 June 2015

In the past few weeks, McGill researchers have published several papers on a variety of global health topics....

Let's talk TB!

Published: 7 January 2016

McGill Global Health Programs Director Madhu Pai is editor of a unique collection of papers printed as a supplement to GP Clinics. This supplement is an effort to engage and educate GPs and private...

Ending AIDS, TB and Malaria as Epidemics: How can Canada help?

Thursday, September 15, 2016 16:00to17:30

Please note that the event is now at capacity. A live webcast of the panel will be available here from 4PM, September 15....

TB cattle vaccine takes 'small step forward'

Published: 8 January 2013

Scientists have announced a small but important step in the development of an effective cattle vaccine to prevent bovine tuberculosis. They have identified a "biomarker" using sophisticated...


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