Plight of Ukrainian refugees should make us show more compassion to everyone fleeing | USA Today

Published: 4 March 2022

March 4, 2022 | In an opinion piece for USA Today, MPP alumna Henna Hundal and her co-author write about global sympathies for all refugees. "Russia's invasion of Ukraine has drawn worldwide...

Putin’s war in Ukraine is the ultimate test for the UN | The Globe and Mail

Published: 4 March 2022

March 3, 2022 | In an opinion piece for The Globe and Mail, Professor Jennifer Welsh discusses the crisis in Ukraine, calling them "moments of truth" for the relevance of international institutions...

Why the no-fly zone won’t fly | The Hill Times

Published: 2 March 2022

March 1, 2022 | For The Hill Times' Politics This Morning daily summary, director Chris Ragan explains the nuances of Canada and other G7 countries' plan on imports and barring foreign currency...

Russia's Intervention in Ukraine: A Roundtable Discussion

Thursday, March 3, 2022 16:30to17:45

Russia's military operation in Ukraine has begun despite concerted efforts to deter President Putin from violating the laws and norms governing the post-1945 international order....


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