
ECC-POWE-Bell Speed-Mentoring 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019 18:00to20:30
Adams Building FDA5 (in the new Engine space), 3450 rue University, Montreal, QC, H3A 0E8, CA

Are you a self-identified female engineering student who is tired from midterms, working, and all the intimidating networking events you are getting invited to? Do you want the evening off to chat and get advice from some hardworking professionals in a casual, friendly environment?

POWE McGill is pairing up with ECC and Bell Canada to organize our annual Speed Mentoring event! You will be given the time to sit down for fast-paced round table discussions with female-identifying engineers working in a wide variety of industries! Plus, dinner will be served!

You must register by SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2 to be guaranteed a spot:

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