
MACLEAN'S | Introducing the 2020 3M National Teaching Fellowship Award Winners

Published: 24 February 2020

Sujata Madan is an inspirational leader and a charismatic teacher of financial literacy. She is an innovator who has found ways to help an array of learners, from undergraduate students to seasoned business professionals, to advance their financial skills. In addition to creating and revising courses and programs, Sujata selflessly helps her colleagues improve their teaching. As one of her colleagues observes, “Sujata is in constant demand to help professors with their teaching and learning problems.”

Sujata is devoted to training the leaders of tomorrow and to ensuring her students are ready to adapt and excel in an ever-changing environment. She does this by giving them opportunities to apply theory to the real world and helping them build intuitive thinking. The generosity she shows to her students transcends the classroom walls; she leads by showing them the priceless joy of connecting with people. Sujata’s students recognize they have an absolute ally in their educational pursuits. One of her former students says, “Through humour and kindness, Sujata got her students engaged in the classroom and even made me look forward to our 6-9 p.m. classes four times a week. A hard feat.” And, just as a reminder, Sujata teaches finance!

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