
“Los desafíos de la traducción del Código Civil de Quebec al español”

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 15:00to17:00
Chancellor Day Hall 3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA

or the "Challenges of the Spanish translation of the Civil Code of Québec" with Dr. Julio César Rivera. Presented by el Grupo Hispano de la Facultad de Derecho.


The origin of the trilingual Civil Code of Québec, published by Wilson & Lafleur in 2008, goes back to 1998. At that time, Argentina had passed a Bill to reform its Civil Code, which was to a significant extent inspired by the Civil Code of Quebec. This is how the idea of translating the Civil Code of Quebec into Spanish was sparked and flourished between Julio César Rivera (a member of the reform commission) and the Quebec delegate in Buenos Aires.

Dr. Rivera began directing work on the translation, assisted by two lawyer-translators, which was then revised in Quebec by a group of ten Spanish-speaking lawyers.

The presentation will focus on the challenges and difficulties encountered throughout the process of translation and revision of the work.

Talk will be in Spanish, but the Q&A in French, English and Spanish

About the speaker

Professor Julio César Rivera obtained his Doctor en Derecho (Doctorate of Jurisprudence) from the Universidad del Salvador. He teaches civil law in the Faculty of Law of the Universidad de Buenos Aires and that of the Universidad de San Andrés in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

He is the founding partner of the law firm Julio César Rivera, abogados, and has gained international recognition from his practice as a lawyer. He is a member of the Bar of Buenos Aires (Colegio Público de abogados de la Capital Federal), as well as of the National Academy of Law, and is the president of the Argentinian Association of Comparative Law.

He is also a member of UNIDROIT, and a corresponding member of the Peruvian Academy of Law. In addition, he has participated in Argentina’s legislative life through his collaboration in the drafting of various bills, including the ones on trusteeship and bankruptcy. He has been a member of the Civil Code Reform Commission of 1995. Finally, he was the editor of the translation into Spanish of the Civil Code of Quebec for the trilingual Code published by Wilson & Lafleur in 2008.

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