
Canada's Agri-Food Destination

Friday, February 10, 2012 15:30to18:00
Raymond 4-047, Raymond 4-047, CA

In February 2011, CAPI released a discussion paper entitled "Canada's Agri-Food Destination". For a period of 18 months prior to the release of the paper, CAPI engaged with stakeholders of the agri-food sector in a process to develop new ideas for a strategic shift in the agri-food sector. The discussion paper is the culmination of that work. Daniel Yeon will present the results of the discussion paper and current developments.


The Destination Report discussed the need for a long term strategic plan for the agri-food sector with commonly held goals, precise targets and matrix to measure success. Canada's agri-food sector is major contributor to the Canadian economy with one in eight Canadians employed in the agri-food sector. With its abundance of resources, Canada has an opportunity to be a world leader in the production of nutritious and safe food produced in a sustainable and profitable manner. The Destination Report also introduced the need for better collaboration through food systems thinking.

Mr. Daniel Yeon, Vice-President, Operations, Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI), Ottawa,  will present the results of the discussion paper and discuss how food systems thinking can help the Canadian agri-food sector succeed in meeting the future growing expectations of consumers and society.

Read the Executive Summary of the Destination Report here:


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