
CREATE-ISS Summer School

Friday, June 3, 2011
McGill University, McGill University, CA

CREATE-ISS Summer School aims to introduce cutting-edge research in the design, fabrication and testing of sensor devices, the development of materials that are required for sensors, the processing of signals obtained from sensors, sensor integration, packaging and applications of developed sensors in many areas. It also combines this knowledge with the legislations that sensor systems are subject to.

The topics included in the CREATE-ISS Summer School on JUNE 3, 2011:

  • Sensor design (electrochemical sensors, biosensors, optical sensors, mechanical sensors etc.)
  • Sensor technologies (micro and nano fabrication technologies, lab-on-a-chips, microfluidics)
  • Sensor simulation, modelling and packaging.
  • Sensor applications (in biology and medicine, communication and technology, automotive and aerospace, food and agriculture, ecology and environmental sciences)
  • Legislation

To enter the competitions submit your abstract by May 20, 2011

Who can apply:

  • All interested undergraduate and graduate students
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