
Cutting Edge Lectures in Science

Thursday, January 14, 2010 18:00
Redpath Museum 859 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C4, CA

The siren song of cancer cells – lies, deceit and misinformation in cellular communication underlying disease.

By Janusz Rak (Jack Cole Chair in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, McGill University).

An effective treatment of complex diseases, especially cancer, may lie in grasping their mechanisms at different levels of biological hierarchy. While much research currently concentrates on understanding how various genes cause cancer from within a cell, much can be learnt from studies on what happens between cells, and in their relations to their surroundings. In this regard, cancer cells are not only ‘antisocial’, but also exhibit a ‘gang culture’, whereby they act in concert to achieve certain pathological ends. This is illustrated by ‘coercion’ of normal tissues, such as blood vessels or bone marrow, to collaborate with the tumour cell group, and in ‘corrupting’ influences within it. These influences are exerted through several means of abnormal cell-to-cell communication, one of which is sending cancer-causing proteins (oncoproteins) toward other cells in a form of structures called microvesicles. The latter can trigger aberrant behaviour of otherwise non-aggressive cells, which makes them a part of the disease process. The challenge is to learn more about and from microvesicles, and ultimately block the ‘siren song’ of cancer cells.

Organized since 2003 with the express purpose of fostering communication between scientists in different disciplines as well as between scientists and the public, the Cutting Edge Lectures in Science are made possible through the generous support of Heather Munroe-Blum (McGill Principal), Richard Levin (Dean of Medicine), Martin Grant (Dean of Science), Anthony Masi (Provost) and Denis Thérien (Vice-Principal, Research and International Relations). Lectures are followed by a vin d'honneur reception. Free, everyone welcome.

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