
Exhibit – A Relationship Etched in Time

Sunday, November 14, 2010toSaturday, January 15, 2011
McIntyre Medical Building 3655 promenade Sir William Osler, Montreal, QC, H3G 1Y6, CA

Accessible during opening hours.
Free entrance.

The dynamic interplay between Thomas Howard, the 21st Earl of Arundel and the engraver  Wenceslaus Hollar resulted in the etching of over 60 plates after the works of Leonardo da Vinci.  Many of these Leonardo da Vinci original drawings can still be identified in the Royal Collection of Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle. Others are distributed in a number of locations including Chatsworth and Turin. Some of the Leonardo drawings that have been etched by Hollar cannot be located and Hollar’s etchings are the only remaining evidence of their previous existence.

Updated: Read more in the exhbition pamphlet (pdf)

Curator: Dr. Rolando Del Maestro, Montreal Neurological Institute

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