
SYMPOSIUM - Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Monday, October 20, 2008 09:00to17:30
Meakins-Christie Laboratories - McGill University, Meakins-Christie Laboratories - McGill University, 3626 St. Urbain Street, Montreal, CA



9:50        Opening Remarks
Dr. Qutayba Hamid, McGill University, CANADA

10:00        Oxidative stress and inflammation in OSA: What is the evidence?
Dr. David Gozal, University of Louisville, USA

10:40        Injury and inflammation as causes of neuro-myopathic dysfunction in the upper airway
Dr. Basil Petrof, McGill University, CANADA

11:10       Inflammation and altered mechanical coupling of upper airway tissues in OSA
Dr. Frederic Series, Laval University, CANADA

11:40       The link between obesity and asthma
Dr. Louis-Philippe Boulet, Laval University, CANADA

12:10        Is there a clinical interaction between OSA and asthma?
Dr. John Kimoff, McGill University, CANADA

12:40        Is there a link between upper and lower airway inflammation? United airways hypothesis.
Dr. Paul O’Byrne, McMaster University, CANADA

1:20        LUNCH


2:30        Genetics and sleep: Use of simple genetic organisms to elucidate fundamental sleep mechanisms
Dr. Allan Pack, University of Pennsylvania, USA

3:10        Effects of systemic inflammation and cytokines on sleep
Dr. Mark R. Opp, University of Michigan

3:40        Interactions between cytokines and the endocrine system in sleep apnea
Dr. Alexandros N. Vgontzas, Penn State College of Medicine

4:10        COFFEE BREAK

4:30        Intermittent hypoxia, oxidative stress, and the brain in sleep apnea
Dr. Sigrid Veasey, University of Pennsylvania, USA

5:00        Chronic intermittent hypoxia and the metabolic syndrome
Dr. Vsevolod Polotsky, Johns Hopkins University, USA

5:30        Closing Remarks
Dr. Basil Petrof, McGill University, CANADA

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