
CaPS Acquisitions Update (August 2010)

Published: 3 August 2010

Acquisitions Update - August

Check out our new career books and resources to help you to plan and get your dream career.

Brown Student Services Building (room 2200)


Career Planning / Cover Letters / Networking

  • Changer de job
  • Comment Bâtir un réseau de contacts solide
  • Correspondance d’affaires, 2e. éd. [Book + CD-ROM]
  • Réseautage d'affaires: Mode de vie
  • Réussir toutes mes négociations
  • Savoir me vendre
  • Tirer profit du réseautage social en ligne

Career Descriptions / Job Futures / Professional Development

  • 100 carrières de l'agriculture, des pêches et de l'alimentation
  • 50 carrières de l'énergie
  • 50 carrières de l'environnement, 2e. éd.
  • 8 To Be Great
  • Les carrières d'avenir 2010
  • Les carrières du jeu électronique
  • S'organiser pour réussir

DVDs (also available at Centennial Centre, Macdonald Campus)

Graduate Students

  • Communications Careers Panel, McGill CaPS Graduate Career Month 2010 Panel
  • Consultancy Careers Panel, CaPS Graduate Career Month 2010 Panel
  • Environmental Careers Panel, CaPS Graduate Career Month 2010 Panel
  • Government and Public Sector Panel, McGill CaPS Graduate Career Month 2010 Panel
  • Industry Canada Presentation, CaPS Graduate Career Month 2010 Panel
  • Science Careers Panel - Part 1, McGill CaPS Graduate Career Month 2010 Panel
  • Science Careers Panel - Part 2, CaPS Graduate Career Month 2010 Panel

Online Magazines and Serials

  • Job Choices Diversity Edition 2011
  • Job Choices for Business & Liberal Arts Students 2011
  • Job Choices for Science, Engineering, & Technology Students 2011

Search our book catalogue and website directory for more career resources, covering graduate school, networking, occupational descriptions, employer directories, self-improvement, and everything in between.

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