Even if the snow's not yellow you might not want to eat it

Yevgen Nazarenko (photo), Uday Kurien, Oleg Nepotchatykh and Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado, with Prof Ariya have published a paper that demonstrates a substantial influence of snow on car exhaust pollution. In particular, the results showed that snow acts as a sink for toxic organic pollutants and nanosized particles from car exhausts. The article is published in Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts and has attracted much attention, now classified "hot" on the Journal website. It also became subject of a full feature in the Royal Society Chemistry World, Slate.fr and the Huffington Post.
Reference: Y. Nazarenko, U. Kurien, O. Nepotchatykh, R B. Rangel-Alvarado, P. A. Ariya, "Role of snow and cold environment in the fate and effects of nanoparticles and select organic pollutants from gasoline engine exhaust", Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C5EM00616C