
Introducing nine new faculty faces

Published: 18 November 2011

With research interests in areas as varied as brain development, music composition, and the economics of happiness, nearly 60 new faculty members were hired or appointed to full-time, tenure-track positions at the University for the 2011-2012 school year. The following nine newcomers represent just a sampling of the rich crop of new professors who promise to add to the breadth of scholarship within the McGill community.

Emmanuelle Vaast
Associate Professor of Information Systems
Desautels Faculty of Management

Hometown: Paris, France

Coming from: Long Island University, New York

Why McGill? Wonderful academic institution, exciting research, great teaching, collegial atmosphere. Who could hope for a better environment?

Research interests: Examining how information systems and new media affect how we work, communicate, collaborate, etc. in many different fields.

How will your work benefit the average person? I am not sure who this "average person" is, but most of us today are increasingly relying upon IT and new media in all aspects of our lives. I'd like for my work to help people better understand what is going on underneath these new, widespread practices.

When did you know you wanted to follow this career path? I never really made a conscious decision to become a professor. It just happened like this, but I knew very young that I loved writing articles. I created my own journal at six. Its quality was really poor, but it sure made me very happy to write it.

Your most exciting professional moment thus far? None in particular jumps at me, but there is something very exciting about getting to hear and talk to accomplished researchers who are passionate about their projects.

What would you like to accomplish in the next 10 years? I would like to continue developing new research projects, develop new courses related to my research interests, and continue growing in the McGill community.

Last book read: The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe (yes, I was some 25 years late to this party.)

How do you relax in your spare time? Yoga, and spending quality time with my family.

Read full article: The McGill Reporter, November 18, 2011

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