
James Rickards and the end of the economy

Published: 4 April 2017

A recent Forbes book review delves into James Rickards’ The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites’ Secret Plan For The Next Financial Crisis, which makes the case that there is a big-ticket financial collapse coming, one that dwarfs the 2008 recession. Rickards lays much of the blame on macroeconomics, drawing a parallel between it and astrology. The reviewer notes that he makes essentially the same argument as Desautels Professor Reuven Brenner, who is quoted as saying that “Most people are unaware of the fact that rulers perceived astrology for almost a century as ‘science’ — pretty much as some perceive ‘macro-economics’ these days.” The upshot of the whole thing, Rickards says, will be a new economic world order.

Read full article: Forbes, April 3, 2017 

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