BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240522T031325EDT-4157svxk8P@ DTSTAMP:20240522T071325Z DESCRIPTION:Virtual Book talk: The Privacy Fallacy - Harm and Power in the Information Economy \n\nRegistration link: com/event/bc17d28a-7d9e-4ed6-b9a0-465ab793af11@cd319671-52e7-4a68-afa9-fcf 8f89f09ea\n\n \n\nHow would you feel if you noticed a stranger following y ou to work in the morning? Then you spotted another one watching you at th e gym in the afternoon\, and two more as you did your groceries in the eve ning? What if they shared notes on your activities throughout the day with hundreds of associates? Along the way\, they also gathered information ab out your friends\, family\, and coworkers. You'd probably be scared\, outr aged\, and want the authorities to intervene\, right? \n\nThis\, essential ly\, already happens. Only it’s devices like your phone\, laptop\, and sma rt home devices that do the tracking\, all to feed a trillion-dollar indus try.  \n\nJoin McGill's Information Security team for a chat with Prof. Ig nacio Cofone\, Canada Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence Law and Da ta Governance\, about his new book\, The Privacy Fallacy - Harm and Power in the Information Economy. We'll be discussing topics such as: \n\n\n \n Ca n you really consent when you don't really know what you're consenting to?  \n \n \n How is data used to discriminate against job applicants\, renters\, and people with health issues? \n \n \n Are current laws effective at recogn izing the value of privacy and protecting us from corporate data practices ? \n \n\n\n  This event will be recorded\, and a Q&A period will follow the talk. \n\nWant to read the book ahead of time? It's available in e-book a nd print format: 78F2A1AE0C40963105CE066B412E \n DTSTART:20240124T160000Z DTEND:20240124T170000Z SUMMARY:Virtual Book talk: The Privacy Fallacy - Harm and Power in the Info rmation Economy URL: -fallacy-harm-and-power-information-economy-354150 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR