Please join the Mac Community in congratulating Professor Chris Buddle on his new appointment as Dean of Students, McGill University.

Since 2014, Professor Buddle has served the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as Associate Dean of Student Affairs. In this role, he oversaw recruitment activities for the Faculty, promoted academic integrity, was a champion of student rights, and worked extensively on supporting the overall wellbeing of the Macdonald Campus community.

Classified as: McGill, Chris Buddle, Dean of Students
Published on: 14 Jul 2016


Shorebirds breeding in Alaska are being exposed to mercury at levels that could put their populations at risk, according to new research from The Condor: Ornithological Applications.

Classified as: Research, mercury exposure, shorebirds
Published on: 13 Jul 2016


Ayant grandi sur une ferme, Stéphanie Bélanger-Naud a tailladé ses premières pièces de bois après son arrivée au campus Macdonald de l'Université McGill, à Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue. «C'est un sport qui m'était inconnu avant d'arriver à McGill, raconte-t-elle. Ça m'a beaucoup intriguée et j'ai rapidement eu la piqûre.»

Read more in L’Avenir et des rivières

Classified as: Macdonald Campus, Woodsmen, Lumberjacks, Lumberjills
Published on: 12 Jul 2016


A friend realized his life’s dream through one of the generous programs offered by the [Macdonald] campus of McGill University in Saint Anne-de-Bellevue…

Macdonald campus, therefore, is a God-send.  

Classified as: farming, Macdonald Campus Farm, Farm to School
Published on: 12 Jul 2016


(Interview with Dr. Donald L. Smith Professor, McGill University; Director and CEO, BioFuelNet Canada)

"It is exciting to see a growing concern around the need to reduce GHGemissions.At McGill, there has been, and continues to be, some very good work around green chemistry, which is part of a greater sustainability approach. McGill has developed the use of micro beto-plant signal compounds as a wayto improve plant productivity, making more biomass available for both food and fuel."

Classified as: Donald L. Smith, biofuels, BioFuelNet
Published on: 12 Jul 2016


Harry Pelissero is the general manager of Egg Farmers of Ontario, which has been working with Michael Ngadi, a professor of bioresource engineering at McGill University, to develop a machine that selects female eggs before they're hatched.

Read more on CBC


Classified as: Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Macdonald Campus, bioresource engineering, Michael Ngadi, egg culling, new technology
Published on: 23 Jun 2016


Eurofins Food Safety Systems (EFSS) and the Food Safety and Quality Program (FSQP) at McGill University are excited to announce a signed agreement to provide co-branded public training for the Canadian food manufacturing industry. The courses include the highly sought-after FSMA Preventive Controls Qualified Individual Training as well as GFSI benchmarked standard training to SQF and BRC. The partnership is an exceptional pairing as Eurofins and McGill University share a common interest in the success of the Canadian food manufacturing industry.

Classified as: training, food industry, Food Safety and Quality Program, FSQP, Eurofins
Published on: 10 Jun 2016


La chaire de recherche sur le bien-être des vaches laitières est déjà en activité.

La titulaire de la nouvelle chaire de recherche sur la Vie durable des bovins laitiers de l’Université McGill, Elsa Vasseur, n’a pas chômé. La nouvelle chaire a été officiellement inaugurée le 26 mai dernier, mais Elsa Vasseur est déjà au travail depuis janvier dernier. Déjà huit étudiants gradués sont engagés pour mener à bien les futurs projets de recherche.



Classified as: Elsa Vasseur, Chair in Sustainable Life of Dairy Cattle
Published on: 8 Jun 2016


With peak biting season for mosquitoes just around the corner, many of us might be tempted to wonder why don't we just get rid of the darn things altogether.Mosquitoes, after all, are attracted to many of the same things that attract humans during the summer months. "If you're outside having a barbecue with a bunch of friends, that's just a welcome sign for mosquitoes," said Chris Cloutier, a naturalist at the Morgan Aboretum.

Classified as: mosquitoes, Morgan Arboretum
Published on: 7 Jun 2016


It has taken Erik Kudelka 11 years to graduate from McGill University, so the Macdonald Campus convocation Friday will be momentous day for him.


Read Erik's story in The Montreal Gazette.



Classified as: Graduation, Erik Kudelka
Published on: 3 Jun 2016


Are you interested in connecting with other McGill alumni, sharing experiences and opportunities, or accessing the McGill network to reach career goals? If so, come check out #McGillConnect, an exclusive career network created for the McGill community.




Classified as: alumni, McGillConnect, #McGillConnect, Ten Thousand Coffees, McGill career network
Published on: 25 May 2016



Students from McGill’s Macdonald Campus seem to have figured out the winning combination of talent, skills, risk –and above all, the unwavering determination it takes to convert an idea into a viable business venture.

Classified as: Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Macdonald Campus, Dobson Cup, Macdonald Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, YUMiTRITION, Ent-O-Mix, Polar Labs
Published on: 16 May 2016


In the barn with McGill’s new NSERC Industrial Research Chair on Sustainable Life of Dairy Cattle

Classified as: Sustainability, Macdonald Campus Farm, Dept. of Animal Science, Elsa Vasseur, dairy cattle
Published on: 4 May 2016


Congratulations to Valérie Toupin-Dubé, BSc(AgEnvSc) '16, winner of Equiterre’s Laure Waridel Bursary. The bursary was established in 2008 by Equiterre and the Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins for students committed to pursuing and disseminating research on environmental and social action.

Classified as: Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Macdonald Campus, outreach, Farm to School program, Equiterre, Valérie Toupin-Dubé
Published on: 4 May 2016


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