Monday, November 25, 2024 13:00to14:00

Offered by the Health and Wellness Program 

Ready to tackle your debt and regain financial control? This workshop will guide you through practical strategies to reduce debt, manage spending, and build a healthier financial future. We’ll cover effective debt reduction methods, such as the snowball and avalanche approaches, and provide tips to avoid common financial traps. If you’re debt-free, discover how to apply these strategies to accelerate achieving your financial goals.

Classified as: faculty, My Healthy Workplace, Health and Well-being, staff, Staff Health and Well-Being
Monday, November 25, 2024 13:00to14:30
Animal Therapy

Meet our wonderful Handlers and Dogs, trained to provide you with comfort and stress relief.  A Hub Peer Supporter will also be present to answer any questions you may have about the Student Wellness Hub and its services and to provide peer support and health navigation.

Classified as: student services, Peer Support Centre, student wellness hub
Monday, November 25, 2024 10:30to15:00
Monday, November 25, 2024 13:30to16:00
Meet and Write -On Campus (Cybertheque) - September 9 to December 2, 2024
Monday Meet and Write

Mondays, 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Downtown campus (Redpath Cybertheque)

Classified as: Graphos - McGill Writing Centre, Graduate Communication Program
Monday, November 25, 2024 14:30to16:30

This interactive workshop is designed to equip participants with a greater understanding of what microaggressions are and how to intervene when they occur.

At end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

Classified as: Staff workshops, staff, inclusion, education, disability; advocacy; education; climate; change; ableism; systemic; barriers; discrimination
Monday, November 25, 2024 14:30to16:30

Online Session

Offered by the Equity Team

This interactive workshop is designed to equip participants with a greater understanding of what microaggressions are and how to intervene when they occur.


Classified as: My Healthy Workplace, Organizational Development, Equity and Diversity Team, EDI, staff
Monday, November 25, 2024 16:00to16:45
VR @ Macdonald Campus

VR stands for Virtual Reality and is a new tool used in the mental health sphere to help relieve stress and calm nerves.

VR lets you step out of your current reality and into other environments like forests or underwater explorations.

Classified as: student services, Peer Support Centre, student wellness hub, Discover Macdonald Campus
Monday, November 25, 2024 16:45to17:30
VR @ Macdonald Campus

VR stands for Virtual Reality and is a new tool used in the mental health sphere to help relieve stress and calm nerves.

VR lets you step out of your current reality and into other environments like forests or underwater explorations.

Classified as: student services, Peer Support Centre, student wellness hub, Discover Macdonald Campus
Monday, November 25, 2024 17:30to18:00
VR @ Macdonald Campus

VR stands for Virtual Reality and is a new tool used in the mental health sphere to help relieve stress and calm nerves.

VR lets you step out of your current reality and into other environments like forests or underwater explorations.

Classified as: student services, Peer Support Centre, student wellness hub, Discover Macdonald Campus
Monday, November 25, 2024 17:00to19:00

Class of Michael McMahon

Classified as: Free events, Concerts
Monday, November 25, 2024 19:30to21:00

Class of Elizabeth Dolin

Classified as: Concerts, Free events
Monday, November 25, 2024 20:00to21:30

Students of Jérôme Ducharme

Classified as: Concerts, Free events
Monday, November 25, 2024 20:00to22:00

Class of Michael McMahon

Classified as: Free events, Concerts
Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Approval Deadline no.1 for Research Grants/Contracts (2F/2M fund type) ONLY. Approval deadline for PI/Delegate when Reconciler is an employee other than FSTM.

The deadline to approve transactions on MOPS, with a transaction processing date of October, is November 26th.

View the complete PCard approval schedule.

Classified as: PCard, MOPS


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