This research grant is awarded jointly to Patrick Augustin (Desautels), Gunnar Grass (HEC Montreal), Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Charles E. Merril (New York Stern School of Business)


Classified as: Patrick Augustin
Published on: 8 Apr 2016

Authors: Venkat Kuppuswamy, Peter Younkin 


Classified as: Peter Younkin
Published on: 8 Apr 2016

Editor: Vihang Errunza 

Publication: Routledge


Classified as: Vihang Errunza
Published on: 8 Apr 2016

Authors: Barras, L.Malkhozov, A.

Publication: Journal of Financial Economics 


Classified as: Laurent Barras
Published on: 30 Mar 2016

Authors: Chen, W., Kucukyazici, B.Verter, V., Saenz, M.J.

Publication: European Journal of Operational Research

Classified as: Beste Kucukyazici
Published on: 23 Mar 2016

Authors: Nepomuceno, M.V., Saad, G., Stenstrom, E., Mendenhall, Z.Iglesias, F.

Publication: Journal of Consumer Psychology 


Classified as: zack mendenhall
Published on: 23 Mar 2016

Under the leadership of Vedat Verter, Editor in Chief, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (SEPS) has been selected for coverage in Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports. 

For more information: Elsevier, 2016 

Classified as: Vedat Verter, Elsevier
Published on: 18 Mar 2016

Authors: Yu, Y., Wang, D.D., Li, S., Shi, Q. 

Publication: Energy Policy 


Classified as: Shanling Li, Derek Wang
Published on: 16 Mar 2016

Professor Ashesh Mukherjee has been appointed  member of the Editorial Review Boards of Journal of Advertising and Journal of Business Research. The Journal of Advertising (JA) is the premier academic publication covering significant intellectual development pertaining to advertising theories and their relationship with practice. The Journal of Business Research applies theory developed

Classified as: Ashesh Mukherjee
Published on: 11 Mar 2016

Authors: Mukherjee, A. & Lee, S. Y.

Publication: Journal of Advertising 


Classified as: Ashesh Mukherjee
Published on: 11 Mar 2016

Authors: Han, K.Kundisch, D., Weinhardt, C., Zimmermann, S.

Publication: Business and Information Systems Engineering 


Classified as: Kunsoo Han
Published on: 9 Mar 2016

Due to increasing pressures on organisations to behave in socially responsible ways, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming a “must have” component of corporate strategy. This is a good development for the society at large as the massive rate of industrialization in the last century has placed a heightened burden on the limited resources our planet has to offer. However, the primary responsibility of managers of corporations, particularly of the publically owned ones, is not to increase social welfare but to maximize the returns on investments of their shareholders.

Classified as: Saurabh Mishra
Published on: 8 Mar 2016

Teaching and Learning Services supports the McGill commitment to provide all students with a stimulating, innovative and inquiry-based educational experience. We work with faculty, staff and students to create a culture that promotes the importance of teaching and learning – both inside and outside the classroom. We offer individual consultations, program-specific initiatives and universitywide workshops in an effort to continuously explore new ways of encouraging excellence in teaching and learning. 

Classified as: Patricia Hewlin
Published on: 7 Mar 2016

Authors: Barras, L.Malkhozovb, A.

Publication: Journal of Financial Economics


Classified as: Laurent Barras
Published on: 4 Mar 2016

My associate editors and I were very pleased to hear that Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (SEPS) has been selected for coverage in Thomson Reuters’ products and services, including Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports. It will be added to the Operations Research & Management Science, Management and Economics categories. The journal's first Impact Factor will be available in June 2016, and will be based on citations during 2015 to papers published in 2013-2014.

Classified as: Vedat Verter
Published on: 3 Mar 2016


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