Mechanical Engineering majors Hussain Buxwala and Mikel Garcia-Poulin were part of the 11-student-strong "Gang from McGill," which shined at the 2015 SAE AeroTech Conference and Exhibition in Seattle, WA, and earned a feature story in the SAE International magazine "Momentum." 

Classified as: McGill Institute for Aerospace Engineering, MIAE
Published on: 27 Jan 2016

Research led by Dr Hossein Heris of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Dr Jamal Daoud of the Department of Biomedical Engineering is featured on the cover of the journal Advanced Healthcare Materials. Their article describes the successful adhesion of human fibroblast cells to a scaffold biomaterial composed of hyaluronic acid and gelatin composite microgels.

Classified as: engineering research, Mongeau
Published on: 27 Jan 2016

Steven Payette received the 2014-2015 best oral presentation award in the course MECH 609 for his master's thesis talk "Heated-Tool Processing of Out-of-Autoclave Composite Materials." Congratulations, Steven!

Published on: 27 Jan 2016

By Cynthia Lee

Some drug regimens, such as those designed to eliminate tumors, are notorious for nasty side effects. Unwanted symptoms are often the result of medicine going where it’s not needed and harming healthy cells. To minimize this risk, researchers in Quebec have developed nanoparticles that only release a drug when exposed to near-infrared light, which doctors could beam onto a specific site. Their report appears in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Classified as: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada Research Chairs, infections, drug, health and lifestyle, tumor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Marta Cerruti, UV light, Near-infrared, Canada Foundation for Innovation
Published on: 20 Jan 2016

Don't miss the January 15, 2016, edition of CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks to learn how Prof Jeff Bergthorson and colleagues are finding ways for energy to be stored and transported via iron and other metals, a novel and potentially important method for delivering fossil-fuel-free power.

Classified as: Sustainability, energy, engineering research, sustainable engineering, clean energy
Published on: 19 Jan 2016

Can you imagine a future where your car is fueled by iron powder instead of gasoline?

Metal powders, produced using clean primary energy sources, could provide a more viable long-term replacement for fossil fuels than other widely discussed alternatives, such as hydrogen, biofuels or batteries, according to a study in the Dec. 15 issue of the journal Applied Energy.

Classified as: metal powder, fuel, biofuel, Hydrogen, clean energy, zero-carbon, combustion, Bergthorson, european space agency, science and technology
Published on: 9 Dec 2015

Mechanical Engineering student, Da-Eun Kim, is one of five CEMF Engineering Ambassador Scholarship recipients this year. The scholarships, awarded by the Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation, recognize the achievements and community engagement of top female engineering students in Canada. Ms Kim represents the Québec region. In the following Q&A, she shares more about her volunteer activities, Mecheng experience and plans for the future.

Published on: 12 Aug 2015

Mechnanical Engineering Professor Inna Sharf will speak at the 2015 CANARIE National Summit on September 23-24 in Ottawa. The event, organized by the non-profit CANARIE, brings together leaders from Canada's government, industry and academic communities to share knowledge about technological innovation and explore opportunities for collaboration and development.

Published on: 1 Aug 2015

As scientists continue to hunt for a material that will make it possible to pack more transistors on a chip, new research from McGill University and Université de Montréal adds to evidence that black phosphorus could emerge as a strong candidate.

Classified as: Nanotechnology, Research, science, nanoelectronics, NSERC, transistor, Guillaume Gervais, McGill News, black phosphorus, semiconductor, electronics, Szkopek, CIFAR, FRQ
Published on: 7 Jul 2015

The 2015 Wighton Fellowship Award was awarded to Dr Amar Sabih for his exceptional and innovative contribution to the instruction of laboratory-based, undergraduate engineering courses in Canada. The fellowship is funded by a generous endowment from the late Dr J.L. Wighton, a professor with a commitment to the laboratory component of engineering curricula. In cooperation with the National Council of Deans of Engineering and Applied Science (NCDEAS) and the Sandford Fleming Foundation, the fellowship was formed in 1986.

Classified as: engineering research
Published on: 11 Jun 2015

Department of Mechanical Engineering alumnus Kieran Humphries is featured, along with electrical engineer Diego Mascarella, in the May 2015 edition of McGill's French-language publication McGill dans la ville. "Diego and Kieran are both young and bright McGill-trained research engineers," said Prof Benoit Boulet, who supervises their work on the e-drivetrain APC project, which engages industry partners such as Linamar, TM4, Infolytica and Purolator.

Classified as: engineering research
Published on: 3 Jun 2015

Professor of Mechanical Engineering Lucjan Kops died peacefully at his home on Tuesday, May 19, approximately one year after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. His friend and colleague Dr Helmi Attia was with Prof Kops at the time of his death. “He was in comfort and in the care of a doctor and nurse who were taking very good care of him,” Dr Attia said.

Published on: 22 May 2015

Students Pengfei Song, Weize Zhang and Alexandre Sobolevski, under the supervision of Professor Xinyu Liu, won the Best Paper Award in the Microfluidics Symposium at the 2014 ASME IMECE conference. The team developed a microfluidic device for on-chip culture, chemical perfusion and phenotype identification of the nematode worm C. elegans, a promising development for worm-based, high-throughput chemical testing. The device can house single worms in microfluidic chambers, the chemical environment of which can be adjusted according to experimental needs.

Classified as: engineering research
Published on: 16 May 2015

Musical instruments created by students Steven Phillips and Ajith Damodaran, under the supervision of Prof Larry Lessard, were displayed at the Design Museum in Ghent, Belgium, during the month of April 2015. An exhibition called “Kunststof Natuurlijk,” or “Synthetic by Nature,” showcased 50 objects made from flax, hemp, bamboo and other biocomposites. Natural fiber composites are gaining interest in engineering design, and this exhibit featured the state-of-the-art and future possibilities for these materials.

Classified as: engineering research
Published on: 6 May 2015

A concentrated extract of maple syrup makes disease-causing bacteria more susceptible to antibiotics, according to laboratory experiments by researchers at McGill University.

Classified as: biochemistry, Research, bacteria, antibiotics, McGill News, biofilms, Hosseinidoust, Maisuria, phenolic, Tufenkji, maple syrup
Published on: 16 Apr 2015


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