August 6, 2021 | The recent killing of Jean René Junior Olivier—a Black man from Repentigny, Quebec—has sparked outrage and demands for reform of Quebec policing. In this article, Max Bell School professor Pearl Eliadis comments on why accountability has been so hard to achieve.

Read the article.

Classified as: max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Pearl Eliadis
Published on: 11 Aug 2021

What legal pitfalls will the Quebec government need to avoid as it implements a vaccine passport program for the province? In this interview, Max Bell School professor Pearl Eliadis gives a rundown.

Watch the video.

Classified as: max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Pearl Eliadis, vaccine passports
Published on: 11 Aug 2021

June 24, 2021 | "We’re paying for climate change with our health." Co-written by Courtney Howard of the University of Calgary and Max Bell School director Chris Ragan, this article explains how the disruptive events caused by climate change are posing a climbing risk to our health and healthcare systems. From wildfires and severe storms to heat waves and poor-quality air, learn more about the environmental factors threatening our physical well-being.

Classified as: chris ragan, max bell school, max bell school of public policy
Published on: 8 Jul 2021

July 1, 2021 | "Canada is a big country with a long and messy history, and we are probably closer to the beginning than to the end of our reckoning." Writing for the National Post, Max Bell School professor Andrew Potter shared his view that, in a country which will be pushing forward on Reconciliation for many years to come, "cancelling" Canada Day is a not as simple as many think.

Read the article here.

Classified as: Andrew Potter, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Canada, Canada Day
Published on: 8 Jul 2021

July 9, 2021 | In light of news from the Légault government that COVID-19 "vaccine passports" will be required for certain activities in hotspot regions of Quebec, Max Bell School professor Pearl Eliadis commented on the international legal standards such passports will need to meet.

Read the article here.

Classified as: Pearl Eliadis, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, covid-19, vaccine passports
Published on: 8 Jul 2021

June 23, 2021 | Four years after Parliament passed Bill C-16, which enshrined protections for transgender and gender-diverse Canadians into law, what are past opponents of the bill saying? According to Max Bell School professor Pearl Eliadis, critics' concerns were "akin to conspiracy theories."

Read the article.

Classified as: Pearl Eliadis, max bell school, max bell school of public policy
Published on: 29 Jun 2021

June 25, 2021 | How can policy strike the right balance between the protection of free speech and mitigating the impact of online hate? Professor Taylor Owen provides insight into this nuanced issue, proposing ways to hold online platforms accountable for harmful content in a manner which prioritizes democratic freedoms. Also, take a look at Professor Owen's Twitter thread to learn more.

Classified as: taylor owen, Taylor Owen on Digital Governance, max bell school, max bell school of public policy
Published on: 28 Jun 2021

June 17, 2021 | The Canadian housing market is hotter than ever. Why? Because it's designed to be that way. In her article for Policy Magazine, Mikayla Zolis breaks down the factors that keep housing prices high—from restrictive zoning to opaque bidding processes.

Read the article.

Classified as: Mikayla Zolis, mpp perspectives, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Childcare, Max Bell School students provide analysis in Policy Magazine
Published on: 14 Jun 2021

June 15, 2021 | COVID-19 infection rates in Toronto have plummeted. But analysis of infection and vaccination statistics across different neighbourhoods in the city lays bare the discriminatory outcomes produced by government missteps at every stage of the pandemic.

MPP candidate Rudayna Bahubeshi dove into the data, penning an article for Policy Magazine.

Classified as: Rudayna Bahubeshi, mpp perspectives, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, MPPs in Policy Magazine
Published on: 14 Jun 2021

June 16, 2021 | Body cameras are not a panacea for the systemic problems in policing. "There needs to be a fundamental change in police practices and culture," says MPP candidate says Yvette Yakibonge "But to truly change behaviours, there needs to be a change in mindset."

Read her article in Policy Magazine.

Classified as: Yvette Yakibongei, mpp perspectives, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, police reform, Max Bell School students provide analysis in Policy Magazine
Published on: 14 Jun 2021

June 18, 2021 | What purpose do budget consultations serve? Whose voices are being heard, and do average Canadians really have any say on how the federal budget is constructed? MPP candidate Mariel Aramburu comments in Policy Magazine.

Read the article.

Classified as: Mariel Aramburu, mpp perspectives, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, budget consultations, Max Bell School students provide analysis in Policy Magazine
Published on: 14 Jun 2021

June 14, 2021 | What harsh lessons have the international community faced while battling a global pandemic? In his article for Policy Magazine, MPP student Asif Imran Khan sheds some light on how the authority of global health governance has been shaken by COVID-19. Read on to see how the World Health Organization can re-envision their framework in order mobilize the international community against future crises.

Classified as: Asif Imran Khan, mpp perspectives, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Max Bell School students provide analysis in Policy Magazine
Published on: 14 Jun 2021

June 17, 2021 | When the Liberal government tabled this year's budget, it came with a commitment to finishing the 50 year-long process of establishing a system which makes childcare accessible to every family in this country. In his article for Policy Magazine, MPP candidate Anil Wasif outlines what must be considered if the outcome of this pledge is to be any different from those of previous governments over the past half century.

Classified as: anil wasif, mpp perspectives, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Childcare, Max Bell School students provide analysis in Policy Magazine
Published on: 14 Jun 2021

May 19, 2021 | As the U.S. continues to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, the outcome of ongoing peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government will be of huge consequence to Afghan women. Max Bell School professor Vrinda Narain weighed in on the important role women are playing in the negotiations.

Read the article.

Classified as: Vrinda Narain, max bell school, max bell school of public policy
Published on: 17 May 2021

May 21, 2021 | The power dynamics in United States-Israeli relations are exceedingly complicated. David Shribman helps unpack that complexity in this episode of The Decibel podcast, produced by The Globe and Mail.

Listen to the podcast.

Classified as: David Shribman, max bell school, max bell school of public policy
Published on: 17 May 2021


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