Earlier this year, McGill percussion faculty member Shawn Mativetsky released Rivers, a traditional Indian classical solo tabla album – making him the first Quebec-based artist to do so. Featuring George Koller on dilruba, the disc features traditional repertoire from North India passed onto Mativetsky by his tabla teacher (or Guru).

Published on: 8 Aug 2017

<Article from McGill News - Alumni Magazine>

As a master’s student at McGill, Joshua Morris, MMus’17, often walked through the music library where a Golden Violin sculpture sits on display.

The display case includes the names of the winners of the annual Golden Violin Competition – one of the most significant music prizes in Canada, which comes with a $25,000 cash award.“

Published on: 7 Aug 2017

Article provenant du Devoir

"Alors qu’il passait son baccalauréat de piano, Nicolas Ellis a monté en 2012, pendant le Printemps érable, l’« Orchestre de la solidarité sociale ». Cinq ans plus tard, il se voit confier par Yannick Nézet-Séguin l’Orchestre Métropolitain pour cinq concerts d’été, dont, ce jeudi, l’emblématique concert au chalet du Mont-Royal.

Published on: 1 Aug 2017

Article provenant de La Presse +

"Depuis quelques semaines, les nuits de Simon Rivard sont courtes et composées de rêves dans lesquels il lit des partitions musicales. Et pour cause. Le jeune chef d’orchestre de 27 ans n’a eu qu’une semaine de préavis pour se préparer à vivre l’aventure estivale de l’Orchestre de la Francophonie.

Published on: 12 Jul 2017

The Schulich School of Music was well represented at this year's Canadian Music Competition Stepping Stone, with alums Tristan Longval-Gagné (L. Mus.'10) and Antoine Malette-Chénier (Grad Dip'17) winning respectively Second and Third Steinway & Sons Prizes. The Stepping Stone event was held this year at the Schulich School of Music, in Tanna Schulich Hall, from June 27th to July 5th. This year's jury members were: Annick-Patricia Carrière, Susan Hoeppner, Shannon Mercer, Katarzyna Musiał and Gwen Thompson-Robinow. 

Published on: 7 Jul 2017

Article provenant de La Presse +

"Découvert en 2004, ce qui a mené à l’octroi d’un prix Nobel de physique en 2010, le graphène est un matériau aux propriétés presque irréelles, mais aux applications concrètes encore peu visibles. Ora Sound, une jeune entreprise montréalaise, tente de révolutionner l’industrie du haut-parleur en s’appuyant sur lui.

Published on: 27 Jun 2017

The Memphis Symphony Orchestra recently announced the appointment of Andrew Crust, MMus'12, as Assistant Conductor of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra and Conductor of the Memphis Youth Symphony.

Published on: 27 Jun 2017

(Blog post by Chris Maskell)

Published on: 26 Jun 2017

The Schulich School of Music was well represented at the 2017 International Trumpet Guild Conference, having more students participate in the Conference’s competitions than any other university. In addition to a brilliant performance by Schulich’s Trumpet Ensemble, several students distinguished themselves in the competition’s individual categories, including David Koch, who placed second in the Orchestral Excerpts Competition (in which Francis LaPorte came in third).

Published on: 15 Jun 2017

(Blog post by Chris Maskell)

At 29 years old, Montreal alto saxophonist Benjamin Deschamps (B.Mus 2012, M.Mus 2016) has a lot of accomplishments under his belt. In relatively short order, he’s released two successful records as a bandleader, directed the Montreal All City Big Band, completed various tours in North America, Poland and France, and won the Rimouski Festi Jazz Grand Prix in 2013 with his quartet. Most recently, Radio-Canada presented him as one of the four Révélations Radio-Canada 2017-2018, where he was recognized for his promising career as an artist.

Published on: 15 Jun 2017

(Blog post by Chris Maskell)

Sometimes, it feels best to be recognized for your hard work when you least expect it. For fiddler and recent doctoral graduate Laura Risk (Ph.D, 2017), this surprise came in the form of an email from McGill University announcing that she had been awarded not only the McGill Alumni Association Graduate Award (valued at $1500), but also the Governor General’s Gold Medal – the university’s highest honour.

Published on: 13 Jun 2017

<Article trouvé dans Le Devoir>

Published on: 5 Jun 2017

The exceptional research of Laura Risk, PhD'17, has been honoured by McGill University. She has received the University's highest honour, the Governor General's Gold Medal.

Published on: 5 Jun 2017

Many of our students and alumni performed very well at this year's Prix d'Europe competition.  Felix Hong, BMus'16, ArtDip '17, was awarded the 2017 Prix d'Europe grand prize from l'Academie de musique du Québec.  The prize has a cash value of $25,000 and has been awarded every year since 1911.  Felix Hong is a piano student of Professor Ilya Poletaev.

Published on: 5 Jun 2017

Jazz instructor Christine Jensen, has received the 2017 Oscar Peterson Award from the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal 

Published on: 31 May 2017


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