Wednesday, July 3, 2024 12:30to13:30

Vous êtes invités à une séance virtuelle présentée par le Professeur Judith Lapierre, ASFF Champion et fondatrice de la communauté virtuelle de pratique ASFF sur le thème des valeurs de l'approche en sciences infirmières et de la santé fondée sur les forces de Laurie Gottlieb. 

Classified as: Strengths-based nursing, strengths-based nursing and healthcare, Nursing, healthcare
Thursday, July 4, 2024 12:30to13:30

You are invited to a virtual session presented by Professor Judith Lapierre, SBNH Champion and founder of the SBNH Virtual Community of Practice. The session will focus on the values of the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare approach by Laurie Gottlieb.

The session will begin with a discussion to explain and define these values based on the author's recent updates. Following this, the second part will provide an opportunity to exchange ideas and critically reflect on these values in relation to your experiences, sharing your unique knowledge and lived experiences.

Classified as: strengths-based, Strengths-based nursing, strengths-based nursing and healthcare
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