McGill Student Jakub Dzamba desigs cricket incubator to feed growing interest in insect farming

Published on July 23, 2014 | Journal Metro

by: Mathais Marchal

Classified as: Sustainability, food, farming, Insects
Published on: 25 Jul 2014

To encourage more active commuting among McGill staff

Published on July 14, 2014 | Pulse Energy News

by: Meena Mohan

Flexibility and configurability are two of our guiding principles when it comes to developing great, user friendly software.

Classified as: Sustainability, SPF: Energy
Published on: 16 Jul 2014

To encourage more active commuting among McGill staff

Published on June 15, 2014 | McGill Reporter

by: McGill Reporter

Classified as: transportation, Sustainability, Green Spaces, Bicycling
Published on: 20 Jun 2014

The Panama Field Studies Semester offers McGill undergraduates a unique opportunity to experience the complexity of environmental issues up-close

Published on June 9, 2014 | McGill News

by: Hannah Hoag (MSc '99)

Classified as: Current & New Students, catherine potvin, Panama Field Studies, Sustianability
Published on: 20 Jun 2014

The McGill University board of governors has included “grave environmental degradation” as allowable criteria for divestment.

Published on June 10, 2014 | The Gazette

by: Karen Seidman

Many students at McGill University are celebrating a fundamental shift in how the university will decide whether to stop investing in fossil fuel companies.

Classified as: Sustainability, board of governors, environmental degradation, investing
Published on: 11 Jun 2014

Opinion: Research Shows the Global Warming isn't natural

Published on June 9, 2014 | The Gazette

by: Shaun Lovejoy

Last year, the Quebec Skeptics Society laid down a challenge: “If anthropogenic global warming is as strong as scientists claim, then why do they need supercomputers to demonstrate it?”

My immediate response was: “They don’t.”

Classified as: global warming, climate change, climate, Shaun Lovejoy
Published on: 11 Jun 2014

Yuan and Tegho are in their last year of electrical engineering at McGill University and are keen about sustainability and energy conservation. Together they designed an “energy management and power disaggregation” system that helps homeowners and businesses better monitor, control and manage the energy use of individual appliances.

Classified as: Sustainability, student initaitives, Scotiabank Ecoliving Awards
Published on: 9 Jun 2014

Published on June 4, 2014 | CBC

Ideas with Paul Kennedy

Following on the heels of Green Growth: Can Profits Save the Planet?, IDEAS presents the Muskoka Summit, a biennial conclave with some of the world's most respected ecologists debating one of the crucial questions of our time -- is it possible for economists to understand and appreciate the 'real' value of the environment?

Classified as: Sustainability, Ideas, Green Growth, Muskoka Summit
Published on: 9 Jun 2014

Montreal — Green spaces can help obliterate blue spaces in our minds: It’s a no-brainer.

Published on May 30, 2014 | The Gazette

by: Bill Brownstein

Classified as: Sustainability, climate, Green Spaces, Indoor Plants
Published on: 6 Jun 2014

The 2nd annual McGill University Awards for Equity and Community Building were handed out on April 24.

Published on May 8, 2014 | McGill Reporter

by: McGill Reporter Staff

Classified as: Sustainability, Community Building, equity and diversity, Community Engagement Day
Published on: 14 May 2014

Published on May 8, 2014 | McGill Reporter

by: McGill Reporter Staff

A drab hallway, an empty lawn, an awkward nook – every university has them. But what if these were re-imagined as a colourful study space with bench seating, a pop-up outdoor classroom, and a busking area for student musicians?

Classified as: Sustainability, James Walk, McGill Spaces Project
Published on: 8 May 2014

McGill group says the Arctic needs better adaptation policies

Published on April 28, 2014 | Nunatsiaq Online
by David Murphy

Inuit are vulnerable to climate change, and it’s time for new policy to adapt, a group of researchers says in a new report

That’s the message from the Climate Change Adaptation Research Group, led by James Ford of McGill University, who released a paper April 24 about the need for better adaption strategies, especially in health, for Inuit.

Classified as: Sustainability, climate change, James Ford
Published on: 1 May 2014

Students learn about nature and politics in unique project to place a bee colony atop town hall

Published on April 22, 2014 | Montreal Gazette
Written by: Catherine Solyom

For the bees, too, it’s been a long, hard winter.

Classified as: Sustainability, Macdonald Campus, McGill Apicultural Assocation, SP0101
Published on: 22 Apr 2014

The Alberta-based Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC) announced on April 15, that two McGill researchers are among the 24 winners of $500,000 grants to transform carbon dioxide into useful products.

Published on April 16, 2014 | McGill Publications
Written by: Meaghan Thurston

Classified as: Sustainability, Research Grants, carbon dioxide, Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC)
Published on: 18 Apr 2014

Statistical analysis rules out natural-warming hypothesis with more than 99% certainty

Published on April 11, 2014 | McGill Research

An analysis of temperature data since 1500 all but rules out the possibility that global warming in the industrial era is just a natural fluctuation in the earth’s climate, according to a new study by McGill University physics professor Shaun Lovejoy.

Classified as: global warming, Sustainability, climate dynamics
Published on: 15 Apr 2014


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